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EPT 美語
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第七部 第一課: without a hitch , chow down

  • 期終考試今天全部結束,Larry 和李華準備開個 party 來慶祝一番.李華會學到兩個常用語:without a hitchchow down
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Larry,你看我們準備的東西夠不夠啊?這是我第一次請朋友來開 party,要是東西不夠吃啊,那就糟糕啦!
  • Calm down, Li Hua. I'm sure the party will go off without a hitch.
  • 你說我們的 party 會怎麼樣呀? without a hitch?那是什麼意思啊?
  • Oh, if something "goes without a hitch", it means that everything goes smoothly and nothing will go wrong.
  • 嗯~,對,hitch 這個字啊,可以解釋為「障礙」,那~,something goes without a hitch,就是「進展順利」! Larry,你的意思是我們的 party will go off without a hitch,肯定啊能辦好,不會有問題;那我可不可以說:There won't be any "hitches"?
  • No, no, no, Li Hua, you can't use it that way. You can only say that something "goes without a hitch." This is an idiomatic expression. You can't generally substitute the word "hitch" for "problem."
  • 哦~,原來 something "goes without a hitch" 是一個習慣用語,你不能夠把 hitch 和 problem 兩個交替來使用.那想說什麼事情一帆風順,我們就只能說:什麼事情 goes without a hitch.
  • Okay, Li Hua, now that you understand the phrase, can you give me an example?
  • 我來想一想….有啦!最近這一次考試啊,我覺得我考得不錯, My exams went without a hitch.
  • I wish I were as confident as you are. Now, can you give me another example of how to use "without a hitch"?
  • 嗯~...,我最近申請了暑期裡到一個公司去工作.他們約我啊上星期去面談.我覺得那個面談進行得挺順利的,所以,It went off without a hitch.
  • Hey, congratulations!
  • Thank you, Larry.哎喲!我們趕快準備吧.客人啊,馬上就要到了!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • See, everybody is enjoying the party, I told you it would be fine.
  • 嗯~,大家好像都玩得挺開心的.我原來啊還擔心吃的不夠呢,現在看來說不定還做多了!
  • I don't know about that. Some people are really chowing down. Hey, look at Jim, he's eating one hot dog after another!
  • 就是啊,我也注意到 Jim 啊,他是挺喜歡吃熱狗的,可是你說什麼啊?這兒有的人是在 chowing down? 什麼是 chow down 啊?
  • Well, "chow", C-H-O-W, is slang for "food" and to chow down is to eat a lot and to do it enthusiastically.
  • 哦~,chow 這個字在口語裡可以表示「食物」.那麼 chow down 呢,就是「吃得很多,而且啊還興致勃勃的」.那不就有點兒像我們中文裡說的「狼吞虎嚥」嗎?
  • Yep. Look, Jim has finished his hot dog. He's now moved on to eating a piece of cake. He's definitely chowing down. He acts as though he hasn't eaten in days.
  • 哼嘿嘿,對啊,Jim 啊,他剛吃完熱狗,現在啊,又在吃蛋糕了,He is really chowing down. 好像啊幾天沒吃飯一樣的.哎,對了,Larry,這也說明了我們準備的東西受歡迎吶!
  • That's right! See, Li Hua, I told you that the party will go off without a hitch.
  • 哎,Larry,說了這麼半天了,你都吃什麼啦?
  • What have I chowed down? Well, I have been busy helping you and haven't got time to eat yet.
  • 哎喲~,真是抱歉,你啊光顧著幫我招待客人,自己都還沒顧上吃呢!
  • That's OK. I think we should chow down now before all the good stuff is gone!
  • 好啊,那我們啊趕緊開吃吧,要不然好東西都沒了!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語,一個是: without a hitch,表示事情「進展順利」.另外一個是: chow down,相當於中文裡所說的「狼吞虎嚥」。
EPT 美語
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