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EPT 美語
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第九部 第七課: big shot , bent out of shape

  • 李華和 Larry 正在討論是不是要去聽有關中國歷史的演講.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: big shotbent out of shape.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey Li Hua! Are you going to the guest lecture this evening? Some big shot Harvard professor is going to speak tonight.
  • 你說今天晚上來演講的教授是什麼? big shot? 什麼是 big shot?
  • I said he is a big shot. A big shot is an important or influential person.
  • 哦~, Big shot 是指一個很重要、很有影響力的人.那不就是我們中文裡說的「大人物」嘛.哎,哈佛大學的教授就是大人物, big shot 呀?
  • Actually, this guy is a big shot because he's an American who lived in China for thirty years after the revolution, and got to know some of the leaders of China personally.
  • 哦~,他在中國住了 30 年,還認識一些中國的領導人啊.聽起來倒挺像大人物的喔.疑?那他為什麼要到我們學校來呢?
  • Well, the president of our university and some other big shots from the city government are good friends of his. They invited him to come here and give a lecture.
  • 原來,他和我們校長還有市政府的官員都是好朋友啊.嗯,我很想去聽聽他的演講喔.對了, Larry,你聽說 Jack 找到一份新工作了嗎?
  • Oh yeah, I heard that he's working for a big shot lawyer now. I'm really happy to see him doing so well after graduation.
  • 嗯,我希望那家大律師事務所能好好待他.有時候,為這些大人物工作啊,未必是件好差事兒。
  • Yeah, I guess so. Still, it's better to work for a big shot lawyer than to be a waiter at a coffee house. A lot of us history majors end up doing jobs like that after graduation.
  • 話是不錯,給大律師工作啊總比在咖啡館當服務員好.可是,歷史專業的畢業生也不見得都到餐館去當服務員啊.我將來啊就要爭取成為一個有名的教授, a big shot professor!
  • That's good to hear. Just be sure you don't forget about me after you become a big shot!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嘿!Larry,昨晚我去聽演講,怎麼沒看見你啊?那位教授講得很有意思哎!
  • Well, that's good to hear. I couldn't make it because some idiot crashed his car into mine last night on the way over here. I'm still pretty bent out of shape about it.
  • 什麼啊!你昨晚出車禍啦? Bent out of shape? 你是不是受傷了?
  • I'm fine! (chuckles) I said I am bent out of shape. That means I am very angry and upset about the accident last night, even though it wasn't very serious.
  • 哦~,原來你是為了車子被撞而生氣. Bent out of shape 就是生氣、發火的意思.嗨,沒受傷就好,車子壞了有保險公司,別生氣囉?
  • But I'm bent out of shape because the other guy was really rude. I had the right of way at a stop sign, but he drove through the intersection first and bumped into my car. Then he started yelling at me for not letting him go first!
  • 喝!,他不守交通規則,搶先過馬路撞上你的車,還對你大聲嚷嚷?怪不得你要氣壞了呢!
  • That guy is an idiot! Otherwise, I wouldn't get so bent out of shape. Let's talk about something else. What about the lecture?
  • 對!別談這事兒了.昨晚啊那個演講我覺得很有意思哎,不過,在那位教授講完要離開會場的時候,有一群學生對他大吼大叫的,好像是不同意他的某個觀點。
  • Did the guy get all bent out of shape about it?
  • 沒有哎,那位教授沒生氣,他也沒理會那些學生.後來大家都離開會場了。
  • Well, that's good. If someone gets bent out of shape about different opinions, it usually means he's narrow-minded.
  • 所以囉, Larry,儘管撞你車的人不講道理,你也不要小心眼,為這事兒生氣嘛。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,第一個是: big shot,是形容「很重要、有影響力的大人物」.另一個常用語是: bent out of shape,意思是「很生氣」。
EPT 美語
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