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第五部 第六課: to let the cat out of the bag , look like the cat that ate the canary

  • 今天我們要給大家介紹的習慣用語是和 “貓”,也就是 cat 有關的.現在我們先給大家介紹:“to let the cat out of the bag”,從字面上來解釋,to let the cat out of the bag 它的意思是:“讓那隻貓從口袋裡出來”.但是,它的實際意思是:“在不小心的情況下洩露了秘密”.下面這個例子就能說明這個俗語的意思:
  • I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag. I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.
  • 這位丈夫說:“我給我太太買了一隻很好的手錶作為生日禮.我把手錶藏在我的襪子底下,可是當我太太替我把乾淨衣服放好的時候,她發現了那隻手錶.所以,我的秘密恐怕已經洩露了。 ”
  • 生日禮物被發現還不是什麼嚴重的事,可是下面這個例子就不是開玩笑的事兒了:
  • It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing our accountant for stealing money. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.
  • 這個人說的是辦公室裡的秘密.他說:“我們解雇了我們的會計,因為他偷錢.這件事原來是應該保密的.但是,一個秘書看見了一張有關這件事情的條子,然後就告訴了她的朋友,這樣就洩露了秘密。 ”
  • ----------------------------------------
  • 下面我們要講的一個和 cat 有關的俗語是:“look like the cat that ate the canary”,Canary 就是 “金絲雀”.Look like the cat that ate the canary 這個俗語是用來形容 “一個人顯得非常滿足”,就像一隻貓終於實現了它長期來的願望,把鳥籠打開,把裡面那只可憐的金絲雀吃了一樣地感到滿足.下面的例子說的是兩個朋友去賽馬,其中的一個是老手,可是卻輸了,而那個新手卻贏了.這個老手說:
  • My friend didn't listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse. Why, I couldn't believe my eyes! The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the two thousand bucks he'd just won, looking like the cat that ate the canary.
  • 他說:“我的朋友沒有聽我的勸告,在那個馬身上壓了二十塊美元.我真是難以相信我的眼睛.那匹馬跑得快了一點點 (結果) 就贏了.我那朋友拿了他剛贏的二千塊美元回來,非常得意。 ”
  • 我們再來看看一個剛被提升的人是如何地得意:
  • Say, I think Mister Green in Personnel just got that promotion he's been wanting so much. I saw him walk out of the boss's office like the cat that just ate the canary.
  • 這是一位同事在說話:“喂,人事處那個格林先生大概升了一級,這是他迫切期望的.我看見他從老闆的辦公室出來,得意非凡。”
EPT 美語
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