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一月份 第 14 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [14][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2013-01-21) ------

  • Obama Begins Second Presidential Term
  • 歐巴馬開始第二個總統任期
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama takes the oath of office again Monday at a public ceremony in front of the Capitol building, where he will also give an address before taking part in a parade to mark the beginning of his second term.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬將於星期一在國會前面舉行的典禮上再次宣誓就任,並將發表就職演講,此後將參加遊行,慶祝他開始第二個總統任期。

  •   As many as 800,000 people are expected to crowd the National Mall to witness the event.
  • 預計將有多達 80 萬人聚集在國家大草坪,觀看典禮盛況。

  •   That is a smaller number than his first inauguration when nearly 2 million people came to see the swearing-in of the nation's first black president.
  • 將近 200 萬人現場觀看了美國首位黑人總統歐巴馬的第一次宣誓就職,這次人數相對較少。

  •   Mr. Obama took the official oath of office Sunday because the U.S. Constitution mandates the president be sworn in on January 20.
  • 歐巴馬星期天在白宮已經正式宣誓就任總統,因為美國憲法規定,總統必須在 1 月 20 號宣誓就職。

  •   Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath, just as he did for the president in 2009.
  • 美國最高法院首席大法官羅伯茨主持了宣誓就職儀式,2009 年的總統宣誓就職儀式也是他主持的。

  •   Mr. Obama will retake the oath Monday using two historic Bibles - one owned by 19th-century president Abraham Lincoln, and the other by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated in 1968.
  • 星期一再次宣誓就職時,歐巴馬將使用兩本具有歷史意義的聖經,一本是 19 世紀的前總統林肯使用過的聖經,另一本聖經是民權運動領袖馬丁‧路德‧金使用過的;馬丁‧路德‧金於 1968 年被暗殺。

  •   Monday's inauguration coincides with the federal holiday marking King's birthday.
  • 星期一是紀念馬丁‧路德‧金生日的聯邦假日。


  • (2013-01-21) ------

  • Suspected North Korean Spy Arrested in South Korea
  • 韓國逮捕一名朝鮮間諜嫌疑人
  •   South Korean officials say a man who defected from North Korea nearly a decade ago has been arrested and charged with spying for Pyongyang.
  • 韓國官員說,將近 10 年前從朝鮮叛逃到韓國的一名男子已被逮捕,並被控為平壤從事間諜活動。

  •   Authorities say the man, who was not identified, had a job with the Seoul city government supporting North Korean defectors.
  • 有關當局說,這名沒有公佈身份的男子在首爾市政府從事支持朝鮮叛逃者的工作。

  •   He is accused of sending Pyongyang a full list of the defectors living in Seoul and details concerning their resettlement and living conditions.
  • 這名男子被控為平壤提供了一份居住在首爾的所有朝鮮叛逃者名單,並提供了有關他們在韓國定居以及生活狀況的細節情況。

  •   Intelligence officials say the man is known to have visited North Korea via China several times.
  • 情報機構官員說,已知這名男子曾數次經由中國前往朝鮮。

  •   He defected from the North in 2004 and is believed to have family living there.
  • 他是 2004 年從朝鮮叛逃的,據信他的家人目前還在朝鮮。

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