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三月份 第 08 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-03-12) ------

  • Reports Say Obama May Visit Korean DMZ
  • 報導說歐巴馬可能訪問朝韓非軍事區
  •   South Korean media say U.S. President Barack Obama is considering a visit to the tense demilitarized zone dividing North and South Korea during a scheduled visit to Seoul later this month.
  • 據韓國媒體報導,美國總統歐巴馬考慮在本月晚些時候訪問首爾期間前往氣氛緊張的朝鮮和韓國邊界上的非軍事區訪問。

  •   The Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported Monday that details of the DMZ visit were discussed during a recent visit to Washington by South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan.
  • 《朝鮮日報》星期一報導說,韓國外長金星煥最近訪問華盛頓期間討論了歐巴馬訪問朝韓非軍事區的細節。

  •   South Korea's Yonhap news agency says a visit is likely on March 27, although there has been no official confirmation from the United States.
  • 韓聯社報導說,訪問可能在 3 月 27 號進行,但美國還沒有予以證實。

  •   The United States has troops at Camp Bonifas, a United Nations base just outside the zone, which straddles one of the most heavily militarized borders on earth.
  • 美國在聯合國的博尼法斯營地派駐了軍人;博尼法斯營地就在朝韓非軍事區外,橫跨世界上戒備最為森嚴的邊界之一。

  •   A North Korean general said his troops were ready to "shower a fire of revenge" on U.S. forces as U.S. and South Korean forces staged an annual joint exercise earlier this month.
  • 美國和韓國本月早些時候舉行年度聯合軍事演習期間,一名朝鮮將軍威脅說,他的部隊準備以復仇的火海對付美軍。


  • (2012-03-12) ------

  • Taliban Vows Revenge for Killing of 16 Afghan Civilians
  • 塔利班誓言為 16 名阿富汗平民復仇
  •   The Taliban has vowed to seek revenge against what it called "American savages" after a U.S. Army sergeant went on an apparent shooting spree in southern Afghanistan, killing 16 Afghan villagers -- many of them children.
  • 塔利班誓言要報復 “殘暴的美國人”;此前,一名美國陸軍中士在阿富汗南部大開殺戒,開槍打死 16 名阿富汗村民,其中很多是兒童。

  •   U.S. and Afghan officials say the U.S. soldier walked off his base and attacked homes in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province early Sunday, shooting and killing civilians.
  • 美國和阿富汗官員說,這名美國軍人星期天凌晨離開位於坎大哈省本傑瓦爾區的基地,進入住戶開槍射殺平民。

  •   Villagers say he set some of the bodies on fire. U.S.-forces stepped up security a day later, as the American embassy warned U.S. citizens in Afghanistan of the possibility of reprisals.
  • 村民說,這名軍人還將一些屍體點燃;美軍第二天加強了安全戒備,美國大使館警告在阿富汗的美國公民可能會遭到報復。

  •   The Taliban said Monday it would avenge the death of every Afghan who was killed.
  • 塔利班星期一表示,將為每一位被殺害的阿富汗人復仇。

  •   The Afghan parliament condemned the killings, urging the U.S. government to punish the culprits and put them on trial in a public court.
  • 阿富汗議會譴責美軍殺害平民,敦促美國政府懲罰凶手,對他們進行公審。

  •   Afghan lawmakers said Monday they have "run out of patience" with the lack of oversight of foreign solders.
  • 阿富汗議員星期一說,他們對外國軍人缺乏監管已經忍無可忍。

  •   The killings were the latest in a series of actions by international troops that have provoked outrage in Afghanistan.
  • 殺害平民事件是國際聯軍最近一系列令阿富汗人感到憤怒事件的最新一起。

  •   Last month, nearly 40 people were killed in deadly protests against the burning of Qurans at a U.S. airbase.
  • 上個月,有將近 40 人因抗議美軍基地內焚燒可蘭經而喪生。

  •   ISAF spokesman Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson said Monday the recent incidents are of grave concern.
  • 國際安全援助部隊發言人雅各布森准將星期一表示,最近的一系列事件令人嚴重關切。

  •   Afghan President Hamid Karzai has demanded an explanation for attack, in which nine children and three women were killed.
  • 阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊要求美軍對襲擊事件做出解釋;事件中共有九名兒童和三名婦女被殺害。

  •   He said the act was "an intentional killing of innocent civilians that cannot be forgiven."
  • 他(卡爾扎伊) 說,這是 “故意殺害無辜平民,不可原諒。”

  •   U.S. President Barack Obama called the Afghan leader Sunday to extend his condolences to the Afghan people.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬星期天給卡爾扎伊一致電,傳達他對阿富汗人民的慰問。

  •   He also issued a statement, saying the "tragic and shocking" incident "does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan."
  • 他還發表一份聲明,稱這一 “令人震驚的悲劇事件並不能代表我們軍隊傑出的品質,以及美國對阿富汗人民的尊重。”

  •   Mr. Obama said he stands behind Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's call for a quick investigation and his commitment to hold accountable anyone responsible.
  • 歐巴馬說,他支持美國國防部長帕內塔要求迅速調查此事、並追究任何有關人員責任的立場。

  •   NATO officials say the suspect, identified as U.S. Army staff sergeant from a unit based in Washington state, turned himself in following the early morning shooting rampage in Kandahar.
  • 北約官員說,嫌疑人是來自華盛頓州一個小分隊的陸軍中士,他在坎大哈省開槍行凶後已經自首。

  •   Many witnesses have said there were several attackers, but U.S. officials say the soldier acted alone and then surrendered.
  • 很多目擊者說,看到幾名襲擊者,但美國官員說這名軍人單獨行動,並且隨後投降。

  •   Sunday's shooting in southern Afghanistan is likely to further fray Afghan-U.S. ties, just as U.S. and Afghan officials try to make progress on a strategic agreement outlining the U.S. role in Afghanistan after all American combat troops leave the country in 2014.
  • 星期天在阿富汗南部發生的這起槍殺阿富汗平民的事件很有可能進一步損害阿富汗同美國的關系,這正值美國和阿富汗官員努力在達成一份戰略合作協議上取得進展之際;這份協議將概述全部美國作戰部隊 2014 年撤離阿富汗後美國在阿富汗扮演的角色。

EPT 美語
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