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三月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-03-16) ------

  • Afghan President Slams US on Probe into Massacre
  • 卡爾紮伊就屠殺事件的調查抨擊美國
  •   Afghan President Hamid Karzai is accusing the United States of failing to cooperate in the probe of a massacre of 16 Afghan villagers, allegedly by a U.S. soldier.
  • 阿富汗總統卡爾紮伊指責美國在調查據稱美國士兵殺害 16 名阿富汗村民的屠殺事件中不予合作。

  •   President Karzai met with tribal elders and family members of those killed in Sunday's shooting spree in Kandahar province.
  • 卡爾紮伊會晤了部落長老和那些星期天在坎大哈省被殺害的受害者的家屬。

  •   He said Friday that the delegation he sent to investigate the killings did not receive the cooperation it expected from American officials.
  • 他星期五說,他派往調查屠殺事件的代表團並沒有從美國官員那裏得到預期的合作。

  •   Mr. Karzai lashed out, saying civilian casualties have been going on "for too long ... and this is by all means the end of the rope here."
  • 卡爾紮伊嚴厲指責說,平民傷亡 “由來已久......無論如何,這次到了盡頭。”

  •   He said "this behavior can no longer be tolerated."
  • 他說,“這樣的行為不能再被容忍。”

  •   The Afghan leader also questioned U.S. military claims that only one shooter was involved in the incident.
  • 這位阿富汗領導人還對美國軍方宣稱只有一人涉案提出質疑。

  •   Villagers say that more one U.S. soldier was involved in the attack in the Panjwai district, in which children were among those killed.
  • 村民們說,不只一名美軍參與了本傑瓦爾區的襲擊;那次襲擊還造成一些兒童死亡。

  •   On Thursday, President Karzai met with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in Kabul and demanded that NATO forces pull back from Afghan villages and relocate to their bases in the wake of the shooting spree.
  • 星期四,卡爾紮伊與美國國防部長帕內塔在喀布爾會晤,並要求北約所有部隊在槍擊事件後撤離阿富汗村莊,並轉移到他們的基地。

  •   The civilian lawyer for the U.S. soldier accused of carrying out the deadly rampage says his client was likely suffering from stress after witnessing one of his fellow soldiers sustain a grave injury.
  • 被控在阿富汗犯下槍殺平民暴行的美軍士兵的民事律師說,這名士兵可能是在目睹一名戰友受重傷後遭受了精神打擊。

  •   Attorney John Henry Browne told reporters Friday the 38-year-old staff sergeant saw one of his comrades get his leg blown off a day before Sunday's massacre in Kandahar.
  • 布朗律師星期五對媒體表示,這名 38 歲的陸軍中士星期天在坎大哈省槍殺 16 名阿富汗平民的前一天,目睹了他的戰友的一條腿被炸斷。

  •   Browne says his client was also unhappy about being assigned a fourth tour of duty in a war zone.
  • 布朗說,這名士兵還對他第四次被派往戰區感到不滿。

  •   The soldier, a married father of two, had served three tours in Iraq, where he suffered a head injury and lost part of his foot.
  • 這名已婚並是兩個孩子的父親的士兵曾三次被派駐到伊拉克,期間他的頭部受過傷並失去了一只腳的一部分。

  •   The lawyer says the highly-decorated soldier was told he would not be deployed to Afghanistan, but that changed "literally overnight."
  • 他的律師說,這名獲得過勛章的士兵曾被告知不會被派往阿富汗,但是情況 “一夜間就完全改變了”。

  •   The suspect's identity has not yet been released and his family has been moved to a military base south of the western U.S. city of Seattle due to security concerns.
  • 出於安全方面的考慮,目前這名士兵的姓名尚未公布,他的家人已經被轉移到美國西部城市西雅圖以南的一個美軍基地。

  •   Browne told reporters that family members said the staff sergeant never had any animosity towards Muslims. He was described as mild-mannered.
  • 布朗告訴記者說,這位中士的家人說,他從來對回教徒沒有任何敵意;他被形容為態度溫和。

  •   The soldier was flown out of Afghanistan to Kuwait late Wednesday.
  • 這位美軍士兵星期三晚間被飛機從阿富汗送到科威特。

  •   U.S. military officials said the suspect was moved to ensure "both proper pre-trial confinement and access to legal services."
  • 駐阿富汗美軍副司令斯加帕羅蒂中將說,這名嫌疑人被送出阿富汗是為了確保 “適當的審前監禁以及能夠得到法律方面的服務”。

  •   Officials later said the soldier was being flown Friday to a maximum security prison at a U.S. military base ((Fort Leavenworth)) in the state of Kansas.
  • 有關官員晚些時候說,這名士兵星期五將被送往堪薩斯美軍基地的一個安全防備最為嚴密的監獄。

  •   Also Friday, U.S. military officials said a top U.S. commander in southern Afghanistan was in the path of an attack that coincided with Panetta's arrival Wednesday in Afghanistan. They had initially downplayed the incident.
  • 星期五,美國軍方官員表示,在帕內塔抵達阿富汗的同時,駐在阿富汗的一名美國高級指揮官遭到襲擊;美國官員最初對這一事件進行了淡化處理。


  • (2012-03-16) ------

  • North Korea Announces Planned Satellite Launch
  • 朝鮮宣佈計劃發射衛星
  •   North Korea says it will use a long-range rocket to launch a satellite in April.
  • 朝鮮宣佈四月份將使用遠程運載火箭發射一顆衛星。

  •   The announcement was made Friday, just weeks after the north agreed with the United States to suspend long-range missile tests in return for emergency food aid.
  • 朝鮮是在星期五做出上述宣佈的,距離朝鮮與美國達成暫停遠程導彈發射以換取緊急糧食援助的協議只有幾個星期的時間。

  •   The United States, Japan and South Korea have condemned the planned launch, saying it violates a United Nations ban on all North Korean launches using ballistic missile technology.
  • 美國、日本和韓國譴責這次衛星發射計劃,並表示這違法了聯合國禁止朝鮮使用彈道導彈技術進行任何發射的禁令。

  •   It remained unclear Friday what impact the North Korean announcement would have on U.S. plans to supply 240,000 metric tons of emergency food supplies to the impoverished North.
  • 目前還不清楚朝鮮的上述宣佈對美國計劃向這個貧困的國家提供 24 萬噸緊急糧食救援有何影響。

  •   U.S. officials have said planning for the food deliveries are in their final stages.
  • 美國官員曾表示,運送這些糧食的籌劃工作已經進入了最後階段。

  •   U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland early Friday called the rocket launch announcement "highly provocative" and "a direct violation of (North Korea's) international obligations."
  • 美國國務院女發言人紐蘭星期五上午稱,朝鮮宣佈發射火箭是 “高度的挑釁行為” 以及 “直接違反了朝鮮的國際義務”。

  •   A U.S. statement said "we are consulting closely with our international partners on next steps."
  • 美國的一份聲明說,“我們正在與我們的國際夥伴就下一步的行動進行密切的磋商。”

  •   South Korea said the launch would be a grave provocation threatening peace and security across Northeast Asia.
  • 韓國說,朝鮮的這次發射將是一次威脅到整個東北亞和平與安全的嚴重挑釁行為。

  •   A Japanese government spokesman ((Noriyuki Shikata)) told VOA that Tokyo is "responding by closely collaborating with other concerned governments" including the United States and South Korea.
  • 日本政府的一位發言人對美國之音說,東京 “正在通過與包括美國和韓國在內的其他有關國家密切合作來應對朝鮮的這一舉動”。

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