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三月份 第 14 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-03-20) ------

  • North Korea Invites UN Nuclear Monitors to Return
  • 朝鮮邀請聯合國核監督員返回
  •   The United Nations nuclear watchdog says it has received an invitation to visit North Korea, three years after its inspectors were expelled from the communist country.
  • 聯合國核監督機構 -- 國際原子能機構星期一說,收到朝鮮請該機構核查人員訪問朝鮮的邀請;三年前,這個共產黨國家驅逐了該機構的核查人員。

  •   A spokeswoman for the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency said Monday that the invitation was received Friday -- the same day Pyongyang announced it would soon launch a rocket carrying a satellite.
  • 總部設在維也納的國際原子能機構發言人星期一說,星期五收到這一邀請;平壤在當天宣佈將發射一枚運載衛星的火箭。

  •   U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the United States favors any IAEA access to North Korea, but that doesn't change its opposition to a satellite launch.
  • 美國國務院發言人紐蘭說,美國支持國際原子能機構為進入朝鮮所做的一切努力,但這並沒有改變反對平壤發射衛星的立場。

  •   North Korea agreed on February 29 to suspend uranium enrichment, along with its nuclear development and long-range missile tests. It also promised to allow the return of U.N. weapons inspectors.
  • 朝鮮於 2 月 29 日同意暫停鈾濃縮活動,同時暫停核研發和遠程導彈測試;朝鮮還保證將允許聯合國武器檢查人員回到朝鮮。

  •   At the same time, the U.S. agreed to send North Korea desperately needed food aid.
  • 與此同時,美國同意向朝鮮運送其迫切需要的糧食援助。

  •   North Korea's chief nuclear negotiator, Ri Yong-Ho, said late Monday that Pyongyang considers the deal with the U.S. to be still in effect, saying "the satellite launch is one thing, and the DPRK-US agreement is another."
  • 朝鮮首席核談判代表李英浩星期一晚間說,朝鮮認為,朝鮮與美國的協議仍然有效;他說,“衛星發射是一回事,朝美協議是另外一回事。”


  • (2012-03-20) ------

  • Khmer Rouge Warden Fingers Former Superior to Tribunal
  • 紅色高棉前典獄長在法庭上指認前上級
  •   An ex-Khmer Rouge prison warden has identified the group's one-time chief ideologue, Nuon Chea, as his former superior at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where thousands of the regime's perceived enemies were tortured and executed.
  • 紅色高棉監獄的一名前典獄長指認曾經擔任紅色高棉主要理論家的農謝是他在金邊 S-21 監獄的前上級;在這個臭名昭著的監獄中,數以千計被紅色高棉政權視作敵人的人受到酷刑和處決。

  •   Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch ((Doik)), delivered the testimony Tuesday at the long-running trial of Nuon Chea, nominal Khmer Rouge head of state Khieu Samphan and Khmer Rouge government minister Ieng Sary.
  • 別名 “杜赫” 的前典獄長康克由星期二提供了這一證詞;歷時很長時間的審判針對的是農謝、紅色高棉名義國家元首喬森潘、以及政府部長英薩利。

  •   The three are the most senior surviving leaders of the group that brutalized Cambodia in the late 1970s.
  • 這三個人是紅色高棉目前在世的級別最高的領導人;上世紀 70 年代,柬埔寨飽受紅色高棉政權的摧殘。

  •   Duch, who was convicted earlier by the international tribunal, said on his second day of testimony that Nuon Chea had been his superior at the prison, also known as S-21, for at least part of the time he was there.
  • 早些時候被國際法庭定罪的杜赫在他第二天的證詞中說,至少他在 S-21 監獄期間,農謝曾是他的上級。

  •   He also acknowledged that he knew some of the intellectuals arrested and sent to S-21 during its early days were not guilty of anything.
  • 他還承認,他知道一些在 S-21 監獄創建早期被捕和被送到那裏的知識份子並沒有犯下什麼罪行。

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