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七月份 第 01 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-07-01)------

  • Chinese Public Played Role in Postponement of Filtering Software Rule
  • 公眾促使中國緩裝綠壩軟體
  •   Activists and analysts in China say public outcry played a role in the government's decision to postpone a new rule requiring Internet filtering software for personal computers.
  • 在中國的活動人士和分析人士說,公眾發出的呼聲在政府決定推遲執行關於個人電腦上安裝網路過濾軟體的新規定方面發揮了作用。

  •   The Chinese government announced its decision to delay implementing the plan on Tuesday -- the day before computer makers were to be required to equip all new computers with the Green Dam Youth Escort filtering program.
  • 中國政府星期二宣佈了推遲實施這項計劃的決定;電腦製造商原先被要求在所有新的個人電腦上安裝這個“綠壩-花季護航”過濾程式。

  •   Many Chinese Internet users had criticized the plan in Internet chat rooms and some were prepared to boycott online activities on July 1 in protest.
  • 許多中國互聯網用戶在網路聊天室批評這項計劃,有些人準備在 7 月 1 日罷網表示抗議。

  •   Beijing-based artist and activist Ai Weiwei, who called for the boycott, arranged a party on Wednesday to celebrate the delay.
  • 北京藝術家、活動人士艾維維號召進行這項罷網行動;他星期三安排了一次聚會,來慶祝這個推遲的決定。

  •   Hundreds of Internet users and some foreign journalists arrived at a restaurant near Ai's home for the event.
  • 數以百計的網友和一些外國記者到艾維維家附近的一家餐館參加這個活動。

  •   Ai said he believes that citizen protests may have influenced the Chinese government decision to postpone the new rule.
  • 艾維維說,他相信,公民抗議可能影響了中國政府推遲實施這項新規定的決定。


  • (2009-07-01)------

  • California, Other States Face Budget Crisis
  • 美國加州等州面臨預算危機
  •   California's state government says it will begin using promissory notes rather than money to pay some bills, because legislators failed to agree on a way to close a $24 billion budget shortfall.
  • 美國加利福尼亞州政府說,它將開始使用賒帳欠條而不是用錢幣來支付一些賬單,因為議員們沒能就填補一項 240 億美元的預算缺口達成一致。

  •   It is one of several U.S. states facing serious budget problems as a new fiscal year began Wednesday (July 1).
  • 加州是在 7 月 1 號開始的新的財政年度之際面臨嚴重預算問題的幾個州之一。

  •   States have seen declining revenues due to the economic crisis.
  • 由於經濟危機,美國一些州出現了財政收入下降情況。

  •   California state senators attempted but failed to pass measures to cut more than $3 billion from the state's education budget by a midnight deadline.
  • 加州州參議員在午夜最後期限截至前曾試圖通過一些立法,從該州教育預算削減 30 多億美元,但是未能成功。

  •   Lawmakers agreed that spending cuts need to be made, but state Democrats - who control the legislature - proposed new taxes to help close the shortfall while Republicans, including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, opposed them.
  • 議員們一致認為需要削減支出,但是控制州議會的民主黨人提議加稅來幫助填補缺口,而包括州長施瓦辛格在內的共和黨人則反對加稅。

  •   A Washington-based research organization, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, reports at least 48 of the 50 states have addressed or are facing shortfalls in their budgets for the coming year.
  • 設在華盛頓的研究機構預算和政策要務中心報告說,美國 50 州當中至少有 48 州已經處理或者正面臨下一年度的預算赤字。


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