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七月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-07-17)------

  • HSBC Money Laundering
  • 匯豐銀行涉入洗錢
  •   A U.S. Senate investigation has found poor controls at the global bank HSBC allowed Mexican drug traffickers and other criminals to launder billions of dollars into the United States.
  • 美國國會參議院的調查結果顯示,全球業務的匯豐銀行管理鬆懈,使墨西哥販毒集團和其他犯罪份子得以向美國轉移數以十億計美元的巨額資金。

  •   A report released before a Senate hearing on the matter Tuesday said the London-based bank also did business with firms linked to terrorism and bypassed U.S. financial sanctions against rogue states such as Iran.
  • 在美國國會參議院星期二就這一問題舉行聽證會之前公佈的一份報告說,匯豐銀行還跟恐怖主義有關的公司做生意,而且不遵守美國對伊朗等國家實行的經濟制裁。

  •   It said HSBC executives and U.S. regulators routinely ignored warning signs and failed to stop illegal behavior between 2002 and 2010, effectively giving criminals and terrorists a portal into the U.S. financial system.
  • 這份報告說,匯豐銀行的高層經理和美國監管人員在 2002 年至 2010 年期間經常無視可疑跡象,未能制止非法行為,實際上為犯罪分子和恐怖分子提供了進入美國金融系統的通道。

  •   HSBC has released a statement saying its executives will apologize at the Washington hearing, during which lawmakers will question bank officials and U.S. regulators.
  • 匯豐銀行發表聲明說,該銀行的高層經管人員將在華盛頓舉行的聽證會上道歉;美國國會議員將在聽證會上對該銀行經管和美國監管人員提出質詢。


  • (2012-07-17)------

  • North Korea Names New Army Vice Marshall
  • 朝鮮任命玄永哲為人民軍副元帥
  •   North Korea has named a new vice marshal of its army, continuing a reorganization of the country's military leadership.
  • 朝鮮繼續對軍隊領導層進行改組,任命玄永哲為人民軍副元帥。

  •   State media says the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party and the National Defense Commission promoted Hyon Yong Chol to the post.
  • 朝鮮官方媒體說,朝鮮勞動黨中央軍事委員會和國防委員會提升玄永哲為副元帥。

  •   Little is known about Hyon, who was elevated to the rank of general in September 2010.
  • 玄永哲於 2010 年 9 月晉升為將軍,外界對他所知甚少。

  •   His appointment follows the surprise departure of the country's top military figure, Ri Yong Ho, who was a top advisor to leader Kim Jong Un and had led the army since 2009.
  • 在玄永哲被提升為副元帥之前,朝鮮人民軍總參謀長李英浩出人意料地被解職;李英浩曾是朝鮮領導人金正恩的高級顧問,從 2009 年以來一直擔任人民軍總參謀長。

  •   North Korea said Ri had been removed from all of his posts because of illness.
  • 朝鮮說,李英浩因病被解除所有職務。

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