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七月份 第 19 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-07-27)------

  • Obama: Talks With China "Essential Step Forward"
  • 歐巴馬:美中會談為“向前邁進的重要一步”
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says two days of talks with China on bilateral cooperation are an "essential step forward" in advancing a positive, constructive and comprehensive relationship.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,為期兩天的與中國的雙邊合作會談是兩國在建立積極的、建設性的、全方位的美中關係中向前邁進的“重要一步”。

  •   The talks began Monday in Washington.
  • 會談星期一在華盛頓開始。

  •   Mr. Obama said the United States and China can cooperate to advance mutual interests in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.
  • 歐巴馬說,美國和中國可以在遏制擴散核武器方面合作,發展雙方的共同利益。

  •   He said the two countries must continue collaboration for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, while also uniting to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
  • 他說,兩國必需在北韓半島無核化進程中繼續合作,同時聯合起來阻止伊朗獲得核武器。

  •   President Obama said the relationship between the U.S. and China will shape the 21st century.
  • 歐巴馬總統說,美中兩國關係將會影響 21 世紀。

  •   He said the United States and China have a comprehensive relationship that reflects the deepening ties among their people.
  • 他說,美國和中國的全面關係反映了兩國人民之間不斷加深的聯繫。

  •   Mr. Obama said he is pleased that Chinese President Hu Jintao shares the commitment to a sustained dialogue to enhance shared interests.
  • 歐巴馬說,他對中國國家主席胡錦濤承諾為增進共同利益而持續對話表示高興。

  •   But Mr. Obama said he is under no illusion that the United States and China will agree on everything.
  • 但歐巴馬說,他也不會幻想美中兩國在所有問題上都意見一致。


  • (2009-07-27)------

  • China Upset by Uighur Activist's Trip to Japan
  • 中國不滿維吾爾族活動人士訪問日本
  •   Exiled Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer is planning to visit Japan this week, drawing condemnation from China.
  • 中國譴責流亡的維吾爾族活動人士熱比婭‧卡德爾準備這個星期訪問日本。

  •   The Chinese Foreign Ministry Monday said it has expressed "strong dissatisfaction" with the Japanese government for granting Kadeer a visa.
  • 中國外交部星期一說,中國已經對日本政府給熱比婭發放簽證表示“強烈不滿”。

  •   The ministry accused her of engaging in anti-Chinese separatist activities.
  • 中國外交部指責熱比婭參與反中國的分裂活動。

  •   Beijing says Kadeer and her group, the World Uyghur Congress, planned the ethnic clashes that left nearly 200 people dead in China's northwestern Xinjiang region earlier this month.
  • 北京表示,熱比婭和她的組織 -- 世界維吾爾代表大會策劃了這個月早些時候在新疆的民族衝突;那次衝突造成將近 200 人死亡。

  •   Kadeer denies the charges. She says her group peacefully advocates for greater rights for China's Uighurs, a mostly Muslim, Turkic-speaking ethnic minority.
  • 熱比婭對中國的指控予以否認;她說,她的組織以和平方式為中國的維吾爾人主張更多權利;大多數維吾爾族人信奉伊斯蘭教,他們的語言維吾爾語屬於突厥語族。

  •   She is planning a news conference in Japan on Wednesday and a lecture on Thursday.
  • 熱比婭計劃星期三在日本舉行記者會,星期四發表演講。


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