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七月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-07-29)------

  • US Republican Leaders Looking for New Debt Plan
  • 美共和黨領袖考慮新國債方案
  •   Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are meeting Friday to once again revise their plan to raise the U.S. borrowing limit and cut government spending, just four days before the government faces a possible default on its financial obligations.
  • 美國國會眾議院共和黨議員星期五召開會議,再次修改提高美國借貸上限同時削減政府開支的方案;目前距離美國政府可能面臨債務違約僅剩四天時間。

  •   Republican leaders were forced to delay on a vote Thursday night on a plan crafted by House Speaker John Boehner that would raise the country’s $14.3 trillion borrowing limit in exchange for more than $900 billion in spending cuts over the next 10 years.
  • 星期四夜晚,共和黨議員被迫推遲對共和黨籍眾議院議長約翰‧貝納的提高美國 14.3 萬億美元借貸上限的方案進行表決;貝納的方案要求以今後 10 年削減 9 千億美元政府開支為提高美國借貸上限的條件。

  •   Boehner did not have enough Republican votes to pass the measure, and Democratic leaders said they were unanimously opposed to it.
  • 這一方案未能獲得在眾議院通過所需的足夠共和黨議員支援;民主黨領袖表示,民主黨議員將全體反對貝納的方案。

  •   Some Republicans, including those aligned with the party’s ultra-conservative Tea Party faction, opposed Boehner’s plan because it did not cut as much government spending as opponents wanted.
  • 一些共和黨議員,包括持極端保守派立場的茶黨派系的共和黨議員反對貝納的方案,原因是這套方案對政府開支的削減小於反對者所希望的削減幅度。

  •   If the debt limit is not increased by Tuesday, the U.S. could run out of money to pay all its debts, which would push the government into its first-ever default.
  • 如果美國的借貸上限不能在下星期二前提高,美國將可能沒有資金支付其所欠債務,從而使美國政府有史以來首次出現債務違約。


  • (2011-07-29)------

  • Chinese Premier Promises Full Probe of Deadly Train Crash
  • 挪威警方再審挪威爆炸和槍擊案襲擊者
  •   The man who confessed to last week's deadly bombing and shooting rampage in Norway is undergoing his second police interrogation Friday, as the nation holds memorial services marking a week since the attacks.
  • 挪威警方星期五第二次審問已經供認在上星期製造挪威致命爆炸和襲擊案的男子;與此同時,挪威為一個星期前發生的襲擊事件舉行悼念活動。

  •   Friday's questioning of Anders Behring Breivik was expected to focus on whether there is any more danger following last week's massacre of 76 people.
  • 警方星期五對安德斯佈雷維克的審問預計會集中在一個問題上,那就是,上星期導致 76 人被殺的事件之後,是否還會有更多的危險。

  •   The first funeral for one of the victims also is being held Friday.
  • 與此同時,為其中一個死難者舉行的葬禮也在星期五舉行。

  •   The vast majority of those killed died in the shooting rampage at a youth camp on the island of Utoeya, while the others were killed in the bomb blast in the capital, Oslo.
  • 大部分死難者在烏托亞島青少年夏令營遇難,其他人死於首都奧斯陸的爆炸襲擊。

  •   Breivik has confessed to the killings, but pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges.
  • 佈雷維克承認進行了殺戮行動,但是對恐怖襲擊的指控表示不認罪。

  •   The 32-year-old suspect claimed to be part of a wider “crusade” against Muslim immigration and multiculturalism in Europe.
  • 現年 32 歲的嫌疑人宣稱自己的行動是向歐洲的回教徒移民和多元文化主義開戰的一部分。

  •   He was questioned for seven hours last Saturday, the day after the assault.
  • 上星期六,也就是屠殺發生的一天之後,他被警方審訊了幾個小時。

  •   On Thursday, the director of the Norwegian Police Security Service said it appears increasingly likely that Breivik acted alone, saying investigators have found no evidence so far he is linked to other extremists.
  • 星期四,挪威警察安全服務局主管簡克里斯蒂安森說,看來佈雷維克單獨做案的可能性越來越大;她說,調查人員到目前為止還沒有發現襲擊者與其他極端分子有關聯。

  •   But she said it is too early to completely rule out a larger conspiracy.
  • 不過,她同時說,完全排除屠殺案後有更大陰謀的可能還為時過早。


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