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八月份 第 01 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-08-01)------

  • White House, Congress Reach US Debt Ceiling Deal
  • 白宮與國會達成債務上限協議
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama has reached an agreement with congressional leaders on a compromise deal to raise the nation's limit on borrowing and keep the government from an unprecedented default.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬與國會兩院領袖就提高國債上限、避免政府陷入前所未有的債務違約達成一項妥協協議。

  •   Mr. Obama said Sunday night that the proposed deal cuts about $1 trillion in spending over 10 years and sets up a bipartisan panel in Congress to consider up to $1.5 trillion in further reductions.
  • 歐巴馬星期天晚上在白宮對記者說,協議要求在今後十年內削減 1 萬億美元的開支,並在國會組建一個兩黨小組,研究如何繼續削減 1.5 萬億美元。

  •   He said that panel will consider all options, including tax increases and cuts to social welfare programs like Medicare.
  • 他說,該小組將考慮所有選擇,包括增稅和削減老年人醫保等社會福利項目。

  •   If the panel fails to reach agreement, then the deal requires automatic spending cuts.
  • 如果這個小組不能達成一致意見,協議將要求自動削減開支。

  •   Congress must still approve the compromise, which is expected to pass the Senate which is controlled by Democrats.
  • 這一妥協協議仍須獲得國會參眾兩院的通過;預計,協議會在民主黨控制的參議院將得到通過。

  •   The deal is expected to face more opposition in the Republican-led House.
  • 此一協議在共和黨領導的眾議院將面臨更多的反對。

  •   A vote could come Monday, and congressional leaders from both parties say they expect to have enough votes to approve the deal that would raise the $14.3 trillion limit on U.S. borrowing.
  • 預計,兩院星期一會進行投票;國會兩黨領袖都表示,他們期待能有足夠的票數使得這項令美國舉債上限突破 14.3 萬億美元的協議得到通過。


  • (2011-08-01)------

  • China Blames Pakistan-Trained Extremists for Latest Xinjiang Violence
  • 中國指責極端分子在新疆施暴
  •   Local Chinese officials are blaming Muslim extremists trained in Pakistan for the latest violence in China's restive Xinjiang region.
  • 中國地方官員指責在巴基斯坦接受過訓練的回教徒極端分子在多事的新疆地區引起最新的一起騷動。

  •   Authorities in Kashgar city said Monday that a group of what they called "armed terrorists" stormed a city restaurant Sunday, killing the owner and a waiter before setting the building on fire.
  • 喀什市官員星期一表示,一夥他們稱為 “武裝恐怖分子” 的人星期日突襲市區的一家餐館,打死了餐館老闆和一名服務員,隨後放火點燃了這棟建築。

  •   The local authorities said the attackers then began randomly stabbing people in the street, killing four and wounding at least 12.
  • 地方當局說,襲擊者隨後開始肆意用刀刺路上行人,造成 4 人死亡,至少 12 人受傷。

  •   In a posting on the city government's website, the officials said police killed five of the attackers and captured four others.
  • 喀什市政府政府網站上的一篇通告中,有關官員說,警察打死了 5 名襲擊者,逮捕 4 名。

  •   The officials said the detainees have admitted that at least one of the group's leaders trained in making explosives and firearms at camps of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement in Pakistan before infiltrating back into China.
  • 官員說,這些在押者承認,他們組織的至少一名頭目在滲透進入中國之前,在東突伊斯蘭運動的營地接受了製造炸彈的訓練。

  •   The East Turkestan Islamic Movement is a banned organization that seeks independence for Xinjiang, where the native ethnic Uighur population has long chafed under Chinese rule.
  • 東突伊斯蘭運動是一個被取締的疆獨組織;新疆的維吾爾族人一直不滿中國的統治。

  •   The Kashgar officials offered no evidence for their claims, which could not be independently confirmed.
  • 喀什市官員沒有對他們的說法提供任何證據,這些說法也無法被獨立消息來源確認。


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