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八月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-08-16)------

  • China Seals Off Region After Tibetan Monk's Immolation
  • 中國切斷有藏僧自焚地區通訊聯絡
  •   Tibetan exile groups say telephone and Internet access has been cut off in an area of western China where a Tibetan monk burned himself to death Monday.
  • 西藏流亡團體說,中國西部一個地區因有一名西藏僧人星期一自焚死亡,現在那裏的電話和網際網路已經被切斷。

  •   The groups say 29-year-old Tsewang Norbu drank gasoline and poured it over himself after shouting slogans and distributing leaflets calling for the return of the Dalai Lama. He then set himself on fire and died instantly.
  • 西藏流亡團體說,29 歲的次旺羅布高喊口號,散發傳單,希望達賴喇嘛回去,然後喝汽油,並且把汽油澆在自己身上,點火自焚,當場死亡。

  •   China's official Xinhua news agency confirmed that a monk had immolated himself in a region of Sichuan province near Tibet, but did not say why.
  • 新華社證實,一名僧人在四川省靠近西藏的地方自焚,但沒有說明原因。

  •   The India-based exile groups said soldiers intervened when monks at the Nyitso monastery began to carry the body to the monastery for religious rituals and tried to forcibly take it away.
  • 在印度的西藏流亡團體說,中國軍人在靈雀寺的僧侶開始將屍體搬入寺廟進行宗教儀式的時候進行干預,試圖強行帶走屍體。


  • (2011-08-16)------

  • Obama Pushes Economic Policy on Midwest Bus Tour
  • 歐巴馬中西部巴士之旅推動經濟政策
  •   President Barack Obama is continuing a bus tour of the U.S. Midwest to explain his economic policy, as he pushes back against criticism that he is not doing enough to spur the economy and address high unemployment.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬繼續他在美國中西部地區的巴士旅程,闡述他的經濟政策;與此同時,他反駁針對他沒有足夠努力刺激經濟、解決高失業問題的批評。

  •   Mr. Obama is set to attend a rural economic forum Tuesday in the state of Iowa, a day after speaking with residents there and in the state of Minnesota.
  • 歐巴馬定於星期二參加愛荷華州的鄉村經濟論壇,一天前,他在該州和明尼蘇達州對居民們發表了演講。

  •   The president said Monday he plans to present Congress with a plan to boost the nation's ailing economy when lawmakers return to work next month.
  • 總統星期一說,他計劃在議員們下個月回到國會後,向國會提交一份提振美國疲弱經濟的計劃。

  •   Mr. Obama has called for Congress to extend payroll tax cuts, act on trade bills and pass measures to create construction jobs.
  • 歐巴馬呼籲國會延長對工資稅的削減,對貿易法案採取行動,並通過措施創造建築業的就業機會。

  •   Iowa has been a political focus in recent days, following a Saturday poll that showed the state's favorites among Republican presidential candidates for next year's election.
  • 愛荷華州最近幾天一直是一個政治焦點;星期六的投票展示了該州選民對明年選舉中共和黨各位總統候選人的喜愛程度。

  •   Republicans say Mr. Obama is doing little to pump life into the ailing U.S. economy, and have criticized him for ballooning U.S. deficits.
  • 共和黨人說,歐巴馬在恢復疲軟經濟方面幾乎毫無作為,並批評他使美國的赤字膨脹。


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