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八月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-08-18)------

  • Former South Korea President Kim Dae-jung Dies
  • 前南韓總統金大中去世
  •   Asian leaders and governments are honoring former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, who died Tuesday at the age of 85.
  • 亞洲國家領導人和政府悼念前南韓總統金大中;金大中於星期二去世,享年 85 歲。

  •   Mr. Kim died (of multiple organ failure) at a Seoul hospital where he was admitted last month with pneumonia.
  • 金大中在首爾的一家醫院去世,上個月他因患有肺炎住院。

  •   Current and former South Korean leaders have been visiting the hospital (in recent days) to pay their respects to Mr. Kim, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to thaw relations with long-time enemy North Korea.
  • 現任和前任南韓領導人紛紛來到醫院,向金大中表達敬意;金大中因化解了與北韓之間長期的敵對關係獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。

  •   President Lee Myung-bak said South Korea lost a "great political leader," who served as president from 1998 to 2003.
  • 南韓總統李明博說,南韓失去了一位“偉大的政治領袖”,金大中在 1998 年到 2003 年期間擔任總統。

  •   He said Mr. Kim's "aspirations to achieve democratization and inter-Korean reconciliation will long be remembered by the people."
  • 他還說“人民將永遠懷念他為實現民主與南北韓和解所展現的雄心壯志”。

  •   In 2000, Mr. Kim arranged a groundbreaking summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il that improved relations between the neighbor states for the first time in nearly 50 years - since 1953, when an armistice ended the Korean War.
  • 金大中在 2000 年促成了與北韓領導人金正日舉行具有開拓性意義的首腦會議,在近 50 年後首次改善了與北韓的關係;1953 年南北雙方簽署停戰協議。


  • (2009-08-18)------

  • US Wholesale Prices Drop at Fastest Rate on Record
  • 美國批發價以歷史最快速度下跌
  •   Prices paid to U.S. factories, farmers, and other producers posted a sharp drop in July.
  • 美國工廠,農場主和其他生產商的生產者價格 7 月急劇下跌。

  •   Producer prices dropped nine-tenths of a percent for the month, and were down a record 6.8 percent from the same period a year earlier.
  • 生產者價格與上個月相比下降 0.9 %, 比去年同期下降 6.8 %。

  •   Dropping prices will ease worries about inflation, and are likely to mean that U.S. economic officials can keep interest rates at their current very low level.
  • 價格的下降將緩解通貨膨脹的壓力,這意味著美國的經濟官員們能夠保持現行的低利率。

  •   The U.S. central bank cuts interest rates to boost the economy, but raises them to fight inflation.
  • 美國中央銀行通過降低利率來刺激經濟,但是通過提高利率來抑制通貨膨脹。

  •   A separate report shows U.S. builders broke ground on one percent fewer homes in July, with most of the decline in apartment construction.
  • 另一個報告顯示,美國 7 月份的新房開工率降低 1 %,下降主要是公寓樓的開發。

  •   Multifamily units were down a sharp 13 percent, while single-family homes managed to post a modest increase.
  • 多戶家庭房屋建造急劇下跌 13 %。而單戶住宅的開工略有增長。


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