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八月份 第 13 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]

  • (2007-08-17)------

  • Countries Announce Aid After Earthquake in Peru
  • 秘魯地震後多國宣佈提供援助
  •   Authorities in Peru say the death toll from Wednesday's devastating earthquake has risen to 510 people, while survivors cope with hundreds of aftershocks in the country's southern coastal region.
  • 秘魯當局說,星期三毀滅性地震造成的死亡已經上升到了 510 人.與此同時,南部沿海地區的倖存者再經受數百次的餘震。

  •   Rescuers are struggling to reach hundreds of other people believed to be trapped in buildings toppled by the magnitude-eight quake on Wednesday.
  • 救援人員正努力在被星期三 8 級地震摧毀的房屋的廢墟中搜尋可能被困在下面的倖存者。

  •   Some 15-hundred people are injured and struggling to get care, with medical facilities also damaged.
  • 將近 1500 人受傷,正在努力尋求醫治.醫療設施也被地震破壞。

  •   People are sleeping outdoors at night, fearing more aftershocks could destroy what is left of their homes.
  • 人們夜晚睡在室外,因為擔心再發生的餘震會把他們已經受損的房屋震毀。

  •   Quake damage to roads crippled access to the town of Pisco and other port cities along Peru's central coast.
  • 公路被地震損壞,難以前往皮斯科和秘魯中部其他海港城鎮。

  •   The two-minute-long jolt, centered inland, 145 kilometers south of the capital Lima, blacked out power for a time to most of the country.
  • 為時兩分鐘地震的震央位於首都利馬以南 145 公里處,致使全國大部份地區一度斷電。

  •   President Alan Garcia declared a state of emergency, and offers of assistance are flowing in from the United States, several Latin American nations, the International Red Cross and the United Nations.
  • 加西亞總統宣佈進入緊急狀態.美國、幾個拉丁美洲國家、國際紅十字會和聯合國都表示要提供援助。


  • (2007-08-17)------

  • Three U.S. Rescue Workers Killed at Utah Mine
  • 美三救援人員在猶他礦井喪生
  •   Three rescue workers have been killed at a mine in Utah where they were trying to rescue six miners who have been trapped for more than a week.
  • 猶他州 3 名救援人員在搶救被困在井下一個多星期的 6 名礦工的行動中喪生。

  •   Six other rescuers were injured late Thursday during rescue efforts at the mine near the town of Huntington.
  • 星期四晚些時候, 6 名救援人員在亨廷頓鎮附近那座煤礦的救援活動中受傷。

  •   Authorities say the workers were hurt during an eruption of rock and coal inside the mine.
  • 有關當局說,這些救援人員因礦井裡出現岩石和煤炭噴發而受傷。

  •   Rescuers have been frantically trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since a cave-in on August sixth.
  • 救援人員竭盡全力尋找 8 月 6 號塌方事故以來被困在井下的 6 名礦工。

  •   The conditions of the 6 miners are unknown.
  • 這 6 名礦工生死不明。


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