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八月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]

  • (2008-08-29)------

  • McCain Picks Female Governor for VP
  • 麥凱恩挑選女州長為副總統競選人
  •   Sources inside the campaign of U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain say he has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate.
  • 來自美國共和黨總統候選人麥凱恩競選團隊的消息說,麥凱恩已經選擇了阿拉斯加州州長莎拉.佩林做為他的副總統競選夥伴。

  •   This would be the first time a woman has run on the Republican party national ticket.
  • 這將是歷史上第一次一位女性出現在共和黨的競選搭檔裡。

  •   Palin, a 44-year-old first term governor, is conservative on both social and economic issues.
  • 佩林現年 44 歲,第一次出任州長;她在社會和經濟議題上均持保守態度。

  •   McCain is expected to make a formal announcement shortly at a rally in (the midwestern city of) Dayton, Ohio, ahead of next week's Republican National Convention.
  • 預計,在共和黨全國代表大會下星期舉行之前,麥凱恩不久將在俄亥俄州代頓市的一個競選集會上正式宣佈這個消息。


  • (2008-08-29)------

  • Obama Accepts Historic Presidential Nomination
  • 奧巴馬接受歷史性的總統侯選人提名
  •   Barack Obama has accepted his Democratic Party's historic presidential nomination, and has embarked on a two-month campaign for the White House as the first African-American to lead a major party ticket.
  • 巴拉克.奧巴馬接受了具有歷史意義的美國民主黨總統侯選人提名;奧巴馬是獲得主要政黨提名的第一位非洲裔美國人.他開始長達兩個月的進軍白宮的競選活動。

  •   Senator Obama and his running mate, fellow Senator Joe Biden, today (Friday) travel to (the eastern state of) Pennsylvania on a bus tour of key battleground states.
  • 參議員奧巴馬和他的競選搭檔拜登參議員星期五乘坐大巴士前往賓州,開始他們在一些選戰關鍵州的競選之行。

  •   Thursday night, Obama appeared before nearly 80-thousand cheering supporters, promising change and drawing sharp contrasts with his Republican rival, John McCain.
  • 奧巴馬星期四晚間對將近八萬名歡呼的支援群眾發表了演講;奧巴馬承諾要進行變革,並同他的競選對手麥凱恩進行了鮮明的對照。

  •   In a speech filled with policy specifics, Obama said McCain would simply continue what he described as the failed policies of President George Bush.
  • 奧巴馬在這篇闡述具體政策的演講中說,麥凱恩只不過是要繼續他所說的布希總統的失敗政策。

  •   Obama vowed to end the Iraq war responsibly and finish the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban.
  • 奧巴馬誓言要以負責任的方式結束美國對伊拉克的戰爭,完成打擊基地組織和塔利班的戰鬥。

  •   He vowed to cut taxes for working families, stop giving tax breaks for corporations that move jobs overseas, and end U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
  • 他誓言要為上班族家庭減稅,停止給那些將就業機會輸出到國外的公司稅務優惠,並且結束美國對外國石油的依賴。

  •   McCain's campaign called the speech "misleading" and "so fundamentally at odds with the meager record" of Obama, a first-term U.S. senator.
  • 麥凱恩的競選團隊稱奧巴馬的講話「誤導」,而且與他在首任參議員期間的「稀少記錄根本不吻合」。


EPT 美語
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