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十二月份 第 05 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-12-06)------

  • South Africans Mourn Death of Nelson Mandela
  • 南非人哀悼納爾遜‧曼德拉去世
  •   South Africans are mourning the death of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela, the country's first black president, who died Thursday at the age of 95.
  • 南非民眾哀悼反種族隔離領袖、南非第一任黑人總統納爾遜‧曼德拉;曼德拉於星期四逝世,享年 95 歲。

  •   Many woke to the news Friday, hours after President Jacob Zuma announced Mr. Mandela "passed on peacefully" in the company of his family.
  • 南非總統祖馬宣佈,曼德拉在家人的陪伴下 “安詳地走了”;幾小時後,很多人早上醒來時獲知這一消息。

  •   Dressed in black, Mr. Zuma made the statement in a nationally televised address that South Africa "has lost its greatest son and our people have lost a father."
  • 身著黑色服裝的祖馬發表全國電視講話,宣佈曼德拉逝世的消息;他說,南非失去了 “她最偉大的兒子”。

  •   He said flags will be flown at half staff and Mr. Mandela will be given a state funeral, which is expected to follow a period of national mourning.
  • 祖馬宣佈,全國降半旗,並將為曼德拉舉行國葬;預計,舉行國葬之前,南非將有一段哀悼期。

  •   Scores of world leaders and celebrities are expected to travel to South Africa for the funeral of Mr. Mandela, who was respected around the world for his activism.
  • 預計數十位世界領導人及知名人士將前往南非,參加曼德拉的葬禮;曼德拉由於他所從事的活動而深受世人尊敬。

  •   Crowds have already gathered outside Mr. Mandela's home in Johannesburg, where people sang, danced, and paid their respects in the South African tradition.
  • 人們聚集在曼德拉在約翰內斯堡的住宅外面唱歌跳舞,以南非的傳統方式向曼德拉致敬。

  •   Mr. Mandela spent nearly three decades in prison for his role in fighting to end white minority rule and official discrimination against blacks in South Africa.
  • 曼德拉因為在結束南非白人統治及其對黑人的歧視進行的鬥爭中發揮的作用而坐牢將近 30 年。

  •   After his release, he emerged as a revered symbol of peace and reconciliation and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. The following year, he became South Africa's first black president.
  • 他出獄之後,成為和平與和解的象徵,在 1993 年獲得諾貝爾和平獎,並且在一年之後當選為南非首位黑人總統。

  •   Mr. Mandela, who contracted tuberculosis during his nearly three decades of incarceration, was hospitalized repeatedly during the past several years, most recently for a recurring lung infection.
  • 曼德拉在坐牢的將近 30 年裏得了肺結核,近幾年來多次因此病而住院,最近還因為肺部感染而住院治療。


  • (2013-12-06)------

  • Biden Meets with South Korea President
  • 拜登會見南韓總統
  •   U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has met with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye on the lastest stop of an Asian tour dominated by tensions over China's new Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ.
  • 美國副總統拜登會見了南韓總統樸槿惠;南韓是拜登此次亞洲之行的最後一站,出訪期間討論的主要問題是中國新設立東海防空識別區所引發的緊張局勢。

  •   Biden said at the presidential Blue House in Seoul on Friday that there should be no doubt about Washington's commitment to preserving balance in the region.
  • 拜登星期五在首爾總統府說,不應對華盛頓致力於維護該地區平衡抱有任何懷疑。

  •   Biden told reporters that, "The United States never says anything it does not do."
  • 拜登對記者說,美國從來都是說到做到。

  •   At a working lunch, President Park alluded to regional issues including territorial disputes with China, the threat from North Korea and diplomatic tensions with Japan.
  • 樸槿惠總統在工作午餐中提到一些地區問題,包括南韓與中國的領土爭端、來自朝鮮的威脅以及南韓與日本之間緊張的外交關係。

  •   Biden arrived in Seoul from Beijing, where he said China's ADIZ has created "significant apprehension" in the region.
  • 拜登是從北京到達首爾的;他在北京說,中國設立東海防空區導致了該地區的 “嚴重不安”。

  •   The U.S., Japan and South Korea have all rejected the new zone in the East China Sea.
  • 美國、日本和南韓都拒絕承認新設立的東海防空識別區。

  •   China says the zone is in accordance with international law and that the U.S. should take an "objective and fair attitude" about it.
  • 中國說,設立東海防空區符合國際法,美國對此應持客觀和公正的態度。

  •   iden told a group of U.S. business leaders in Beijing Thursday he was "very direct" about the matter during his talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
  • 拜登星期四在北京對一些美國商界領袖說,他在與中國國家主席習近平會談時 “非常直率” 地討論了東海防空區問題。

  •   But the vice president said conflict between Beijing and Washington was not inevitable, despite occasional disagreements.
  • 但拜登表示,儘管北京和華盛頓之間時有分歧,彼此間的衝突並非不可避免。

  •   Seoul is the last stop on Biden's week-long Asia tour.
  • 首爾是拜登此次一週亞洲之行的最後一站。

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