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八月份 第 14 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-08-21)------

  • Egyptian Court Orders Mubarak's Release
  • 埃及法院星期三下令釋放前總統穆巴拉克
  •   Judicial and security forces say an Egyptian court Wednesday ordered former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak be released from prison, where he has been held for more than two years after a popular uprising drove him from power.
  • 埃及司法部門和安全部隊說,埃及一家法院星期三下令釋放前總統穆巴拉克;穆巴拉克兩年多前被人民起義運動推翻後一直被關在監獄裏。

  •   Mr. Mubarak's lawyer, Fareed el-Deeb, tells Reuters the former ruler could be freed as early as Thursday.
  • 穆巴拉克的律師對路透社說, 穆巴拉星期四就可能獲釋。

  •   The 85-year-old Mubarak is being retried on charges he failed to stop the killing of protesters during the popular revolt that swept him from office.
  • 85 歲的穆巴拉克因被控未能阻止殺戮反政府運動的抗議者而面臨再審。

  •   But the court ruled there are no longer any legal grounds for his continued detention.
  • 但是法院星期三判決說,繼續關押穆巴拉克已無任何法律根據。

  •   Earlier this week ((Monday)), an Egyptian court cleared Mr. Mubarak of charges that he and his sons stole public money for presidential palaces.
  • 星期一,埃及法院判決穆巴拉克和他的兒子被控盜用公共資金修建總統府的罪名不成立。

  •   Also Wednesday, Egyptian authorities arrested a Muslim Brotherhood spokesman and a fiery preacher with ties to the group, as Egypt's interim government continues to pressure the party of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.
  • 另外在星期三,埃及政府繼續對被罷免的穆爾西總統的政黨施壓,逮捕了穆斯林兄弟會的一名發言人和一個跟該組織相關的伊斯蘭教人士。

  •   Mourad Ali, a spokesman for the Brotherhood's political arm was taken into custody Wednesday at the Cairo airport, while cleric Safwat Hegazy was arrested near the Libyan border.
  • 穆兄會所屬政治黨派的發言人穆哈德‧阿里星期三在開羅機場被捕,此外,當局還在埃及利比亞邊界附近逮捕了伊斯蘭教人士阿加齊。

  •   Officials said both were trying to flee the country.
  • 當局說, 二人都企圖逃離埃及。

  •   The arrests come a day after authorities detained Brotherhood spiritual leader Mohamed Badie.
  • 在此前一天,埃及臨時軍政府逮捕了穆斯林兄弟會的精神領袖巴迪。

  •   A court ordered him held for 15 days while prosecutors investigate allegations.
  • 一家法院星期二下令,在檢察官們調查這些指稱期間要拘押巴迪 15 天。

  •   Also Wednesday, the United Nations political affairs chief is in Cairo for talks aimed at ending Egypt's political crisis.
  • 與此同時,聯合國主管政治事務的副秘書長費爾特曼正在開羅為結束血腥的政治危機而舉行會談。

  •   Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman is on a three-day mission described by a spokesman as a "push to restore peace and forge reconciliation."
  • 費爾特曼星期二抵達埃及進行三天的斡旋;聯合國發言人說,他的任務是 “促進恢復和平與和解”。


  • (2013-08-21)------

  • Syrian Activists Accuse Military of Fresh Chemical Weapons Attacks
  • 敘利亞活動人士指責政府再次使用化學武器
  •   Syrian activists say at least 100 people have been killed in a government offensive near the capital, Damascus, where forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad are alleged to have used chemical weapons.
  • 敘利亞活動人士說,政府軍在首都大馬士革附近發動攻勢,打死至少 100 人;敘利亞活動人士還指責政府軍在星期三的襲擊中使用了化學武器。

  •   Syria quickly denied allegations of a chemical attack.
  • 敘利亞政府立即對這種說法予以否認。

  •   State media reported military activity in the area, saying that government forces had killed "terrorists" - a term used to refer to rebels opposed to Mr. Assad.
  • 敘利亞國營媒體報導了大馬士革附近的軍事活動,說政府軍消滅了恐怖主義份子;當局一直將反對阿薩德的反叛者稱作恐怖主義份子。

  •   The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the military fired rockets at sites in Eastern Ghouta and Western Ghouta.
  • 總部設在英國的敘利亞人權瞭望台說,敘利亞軍隊向東戈塔和西戈塔幾處地點發射火箭彈。

  •   It cited activists in the area who said "poisonous gasses" were used.
  • 該組織援引當地活動人仕的話說,政府軍使用了 “有毒氣體”。

  •   Britian and the Arab League have called on Syria to allow U.N. invesigators already in the country to examine sites of the alleged chemical attacks.
  • 英國和阿拉伯聯盟要求敘利亞允許已在敘利亞境內的聯合國調查人員到所說的化學武器使用現場進行實地考察。

  •   British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was "deeply concerned" about the reported chemical attacks, and said if proven true, they represent a "shocking escalation."
  • 英國外交大臣黑格說,他對有關敘利亞軍隊使用化學武器的說法非常擔心;如果被證明確有發生,這就意味著衝突令人震驚地升級了。

  •   He said Britain will refer the matter to the U.N. Security Council.
  • 他說,英國將在聯合安理會提出這一問題。

  •   The violence comes as United Nations chemical weapons inspectors carry out a two-week mission in Syria to investigate earlier incidents in which the Syrian government and rebels accused each other of carrying out chemical attacks.
  • 在敘利亞發生暴力事件之際,聯合國化學武器檢查員在敘利亞執行為期兩星期的使命,對早些時候發生的事件進行調查,敘利亞政府和反政府武裝都指責對方使用化學武器。

EPT 美語
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