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EPT 美語
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第六部 第七課: bail , call it quits

  • 今天 Michael 和李華在一起做功課.李華會學到兩個常用語: bailcall it quits
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Agghh! Come on, Li Hua. We've been studying for five hours. I'm ready to bail!
  • 啊,就是哎,我們做了五個小時的功課了.哦,我也想幹點別的了.疑?可是 Michael, 你說你準備做什麼啊? You're ready to bail ? bail, 疑?那是一種遊戲嗎?
  • No, silly. I said "I'm ready to bail". "To bail" as in "to leave".
  • 哦~,To bail 在這裡是 「離開」 的意思啊.哎,可是明天就要考試了,我們還沒複習完呢!
  • Oh, Please, Li Hua. I already know the material. I'm ready for tomorrow's test. Let's bail and get something to eat!
  • 嗯-,好吧,我啊肚子也餓了, Let's bail and get something to eat! 哎,Michael, 你對明天的考試這麼有把握,你是不是昨天晚上就開始複習啦?
  • Huh, Not really. I went to a movie with some friends last night. After the movie, they wanted to go to a dance club, but I bailed on them and went home to get some sleep.
  • 哦~,你昨天晚上和朋友去看電影,然後你的朋友們去跳舞,可是 you bailed on them, 意思就是你沒和他們一起去,對不對?
  • That's right. I bailed on my friends and went home.
  • 嗯,那 Michael, 除了可以說 bail on someone, 還可不可以說 bail on something 呢?
  • Of course! For instance, last week I had a dentist appointment, so I had to bail on history class.
  • 對哎,上個星期,你因為要去看牙,所以沒有上歷史課, You bailed on history class.
  • Come on, Li Hua. I'm starving. Let's bail and get something to eat!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey, By the way, Li Hua, I heard that Jack isn't going to be in school next term. Is he really calling it quits?
  • 什麼啊? Jack 下學期就不來上學啦?你說他 calling it quits, quit. 那不就是 「放棄」 的意思嗎?你是說 Jack 下學期就要退學啦?
  • Yeah, that's right. "To call it quits" means to quit doing something. I heard that Jack is calling it quits.
  • 哦~, to call it quits 意思就是 「停止做某件事」.疑?可是,我聽說 Jack 他只不過是想先打半年工,多掙點錢,明年啊,他還會回來繼續上學,He's not really calling it quits.
  • That's good to hear.
  • Michael, 那這個 to call it quits 還可以用在別的地方嗎?
  • Sometimes "to call it quits" means to break up a relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • 哦~,原來 to call it quits 還可以用來表示男女朋友分手啊.嗯~,這就讓我想到啦,不久前好萊塢明星 Ben Afleck 還有 Jennifer Lopez, 他們倆啊本來都訂婚了,可是後來又推遲了婚禮,大家就覺得很奇怪啊: Are Ben and J-Lo calling it quits?
  • (sighs) I can't stand those two. I hope that this time they are calling it quits for real, so I never have to hear about them again.
  • 哦,你倒希望他們倆真分手,這樣你再也不會聽到他們消息啦.唉!Michael 你也真是的,他們寫他們的,你不看不就得了.你不是老說功課太多嗎?疑?對了,你啊還說選修的阿拉伯語課太難 - Are you going to call it quits?
  • No, I'm not going to call it quits! I am going to finish it.
  • 哇,我從來都沒見過你那麼大的決心吶!我啊還記得你學中文的時候,有好幾次都想 call it quits 呢!
  • Hmm, Whatever.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,一個是: bail,表示「離開」.另一個是: call it quits,意思是「停止做某件事」。
EPT 美語
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