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八月份 第 04 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-08-06)------

  • 7 Killed in US Sikh Temple Shooting
  • 美國錫克寺廟發生槍擊案七人喪生
  •   Authorities in the northern U.S. state of Wisconsin say a shooting at a Sikh temple Sunday morning in the city of Oak Creek, in the suburbs of Milwaukee, left seven people dead, including the gunman. Three people were wounded in the attack.
  • 美國北部的威斯康辛州有關當局說,密爾沃基郊外橡樹溪市一座錫克廟宇星期天上午發生的槍擊事件導致七人喪生,槍手也在其中,在槍擊中另有三人受傷。

  •   Police have described the suspect as a white male in his 40s, but have given no details or mentioned a possible motive.
  • 警方說,涉案嫌疑人是一名 40 多歲的白人,但沒有提供更多細節,也沒有提及可能的作案動機。

  •   The local police chief said an officer exchanged fire with the gunman outside the temple and killed him.
  • 當地警方負責人說,一名警察與槍手在寺廟外交火,擊斃了槍手。

  •   Sunday evening, law enforcement officers extended their investigation of the shooting to a neighborhood in nearby Cudahy.
  • 星期天晚間,執法機構官員將調查範圍擴大到附近的卡德希街區。

  •   They surrounded a duplex and evacuated several homes.
  • 他們包圍了一座公寓樓,並疏散了幾戶人家。

  •   Officials say the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in the investigation because the shooting might be an act of domestic terrorism.
  • 有關官員們說,聯邦調查局已經介入,因為這可能是一起國內恐怖主義事件。

  •   President Barack Obama said he was "deeply saddened" to learn of the shooting.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬表示他對這個槍擊案深感悲痛。

  •   He called the governor of Wisconsin, the mayor of the town and the trustee of the Sikh temple to express his condolences.
  • 歐巴馬總統給威斯康辛州州長、當地市長和錫克廟的理事打了電話,表達了他的哀悼之意。

  •   The Indian embassy in Washington says it has dispatched an Indian diplomat to visit the temple.
  • 印度駐華盛頓大使館表示,已經派出一名印度外交官前往這所廟宇。


  • (2012-08-06)------

  • Syria: Bomb Explodes in State TV Building
  • 敘利亞國家電視台大樓遭受爆炸
  •   Syrian state media say a bomb has exploded at the state television building in Damascus, wounding several people.
  • 敘利亞官方媒體報道說,一枚炸彈在大馬士革國家電視台大樓爆炸,炸傷數人。

  •   The station remained on the air Monday following the blast, which ripped through the third floor of the building.
  • 星期一的爆炸發生後,電視台繼續播放節目;炸彈在大樓第三層爆炸。

  •   A pro-government, private TV station, which itself was hit with a deadly blast in June, broadcast images of the building's damaged walls, wires dangling from a collapsed ceiling and people walking through smoke-filled hallways.
  • 一家支持政府的私人電視台播出了國家電視台大樓被炸毀的牆壁的畫面,電線從坍塌的屋頂上懸下,人們在煙霧彌漫的樓道裏穿行;這家私人電視台今年 6 月也遭到致使人員死傷的襲擊。

  •   Syrian opposition activists are reporting continued attacks by government forces in the northern city of Aleppo Monday.
  • 敘利亞反政府活動人士說,政府軍星期一繼續攻打北部城市阿勒頗。

  •   The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the army is shelling several neighborhoods in Aleppo, and that at least two civilians have been killed.
  • 敘利亞人權了望台說,政府軍對阿勒頗幾個城區進行炮轟,至少兩名平民被打死。

  •   The country's biggest city has become a key battleground in the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's rule, as government forces are reported to have massed for what is expected to be a strong offensive against the opposition.
  • 阿勒頗是敘利亞最大的城市,目前已經成為反抗敘利亞總統阿薩德政權的主要戰場;據報導,敘利亞政府軍在阿勒頗集結,預計將對反對派發起大規模攻勢。

  •   Meanwhile, U.S. senators John McCain, Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham say the United States should provide direct assistance to the opposition, including weapons, intelligence and training.
  • 與此同時,美國參議員麥凱恩、利伯曼和格雷厄姆說,美國應當向反對派直接提供援助,包括武器、情報和訓練。

EPT 美語
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