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十一月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-11-15)------

  • Philippines Defending Typhoon Relief Efforts
  • 菲律賓政府為其救災工作辯護
  •   The Philippine government is defending its efforts to deliver assistance to victims of Typhoon Haiyan, many of whom have received little or no assistance since the deadly storm struck a week ago.
  • 菲律賓政府為其救援颱風 “海燕” 災民的努力進行辯護;這場致命風暴侵襲菲律賓的一星期後,很多災民只得到極少救助,或根本得不到救援。

  •   Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said Friday that in a situation like this, nothing is fast enough.
  • 菲律賓內政部長羅哈斯星期五說,面對如此局面,無論行動怎樣迅速都是不夠的。

  •   Speaking in the city of devasted city of Tacloban, he said that the need is massive, immediate and not everyone can be reached.
  • 羅哈斯在災情慘重的塔克洛班市說,災民馬上需要大量救助,但救援物資還不能進入所有災區。

  •   Disaster relief chief, Eduardo del Rosario, told reporters Friday that the official death toll from the storm has risen to 3,621.
  • 菲律賓救災事務主管羅薩裏奧星期五對記者說,官方統計的風災死亡人數已經上升到 3621 人。

  •   Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy launched a huge relief operation Thursday.
  • 與此同時,美國海軍星期四展開大規模救援行動。

  •   The aircraft carrier USS George Washington and a contingent of seven supply ships began delivering water and emergency rations to Tacloban.
  • 美國航空母艦 “喬治‧華盛頓號” 以及七艘補給艦開始向塔克洛班運送水和緊急救災物資。

  •   The giant hospital ship USS Mercy also is making emergency preparations to depart the United States, and is expected to join the emergency flotilla within weeks, along with the British carrier HMS Illustrious.
  • 此外,大噸位醫療艦 “仁慈號” 也在緊急準備駛離美國,預計將在數星期內與英國航母 “光輝號” 一道加入救援艦群。


  • (2013-11-15)------

  • Reports: CIA Collecting International Money Transfer Records
  • 據報美國中情局蒐集國際資金轉賬記錄
  •   Two U.S. newspapers are reporting the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is collecting records of international money transfers, using the same law the National Security Agency used to collect telephone and Internet records.
  • 兩家美國報紙報導說,美國中央情報局蒐集有關國際資金轉賬的記錄,而中情局實施這一項目的依據也是美國國家安全局據以蒐集電話和網際網路通訊記錄的法律。

  •   The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that former and current U.S. officials, speaking anonymously, confirmed the existence of the program.
  • 紐約時報和華爾街日報星期五報道說,不肯透露姓名的前任及現任美國官員證實了這一項目的存在。

  •   The reports say the financial transactions program is covered under the Patriot Act enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
  • 報導說,美國於 2001 年 9 月 11 日遭受恐怖襲擊後,根據愛國法可以實施監視金融交易記錄的項目。

  •   The wire transfer company Western Union was mentioned in the Times report.
  • 紐約時報在報導中提及從事電匯轉賬業務的西聯公司。

  •   Western Union did not confirm its participation in the program, saying only that it complies with federal laws, which require banks to report suspicious transactions.
  • 西聯沒有證實該公司參與了監視項目,只表示該公司遵守聯邦法律,而有關法律要求銀行報告可疑的匯款。

EPT 美語
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