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六月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2013-06-13) ------

  • Greeks Strike because of Broadcast Cutback
  • 希臘國家廣播電視公司關閉導致罷工
  •   Buses and trains across Greece have come to a standstill Thursday -- part of a 24-hour, nationwide general strike called by unions to protest the government's decision to shut down state broadcaster, ERT, as part of sweeping cost-cutting measures.
  • 希臘的公車和火車星期四陷入停頓,這是工會為抗議政府決定關閉國營的廣播電視公司而舉行的全國 24 小時大罷工的一部份;關閉國家廣播電視公司是希臘全盤削減支出措施的一部份。

  •   The government took ERT off the air early Wednesday, after announcing the shutdown Tuesday.
  • 星期三上午,希臘政府停止了國家廣播電視公司的廣播和電視播出;星期二希臘政府宣佈了這項決定。

  •   Greek journalist unions have called for their members to strike until ERT is reopened.
  • 希臘記者工會呼籲其成員舉行罷工,直到國家廣播電視公司恢復播出為止。

  •   Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is facing opposition from his coalition partners -- the socialist PASOK and the Democratic Left Party -- because of the closing.
  • 希臘總理薩馬拉斯由於關閉國家廣播電視公司而面臨其執政聯盟夥伴泛希臘社會運動黨和民主左翼黨的反對。

  •   Greece says the ERT closure is a temporary measure before a re-launch in a slimmed-down form. About 2,500 workers lost their jobs in the shutdown.
  • 希臘說,關閉國家廣播電視公司是暫時的措施,將在精簡後恢復;這次關閉國家廣播電視公司導致 2500 人丟掉工作。

  •   Greece is struggling to shore up its finances and meet the terms of an international bailout.
  • 希臘在想方設法支撐其財政並滿足獲得國際舒困的條件。


  • (2013-06-13) ------

  • Google Warns of Increased Hacking Attempts in Iran
  • 谷歌警告伊朗駭客攻擊企圖
  •   Google is reporting a significant increase in the number of email-based hacking attempts originating from Iran in the lead-up to the country's presidential election Friday.
  • 美國公司谷歌報告說,在伊朗星期五舉行總統大選之前,來自伊朗的基於電子郵件的駭客襲擊大量增多。

  •   In a statement, the U.S. Internet company said it has disrupted and detected multiple so-called "phishing" campaigns aimed at compromising the accounts of tens of thousands of Iranian users during a period of almost three weeks.
  • 谷歌在一份聲明中說,他們在近 3 個星期的時間裏,發現和挫敗了針對數萬名伊朗用戶的所謂網路釣魚攻擊。

  •   The statement by Eric Grosse, Google's Vice President for Security Engineering, said the timing and targeting of the campaigns suggest the attacks are politically motivated.
  • 谷歌負責安全工程的副總裁埃里克‧格羅斯發表聲明說,駭客攻擊的時機和目標顯示這次活動是出於政治動機。

  •   He did not elaborate. The statement warned that the email messages were meant to trick recipients into clicking on a link that would lead them to a fake Google account maintenance page that would attempt to steal user names and passwords.
  • 他對此沒有詳細說明,但是他警告說,駭客企圖誘騙接到其電子郵件的人點擊一個連結, 這個連結使他們進入一個虛假的谷歌帳戶維修網頁;駭客企圖以這種辦法來竊取用戶名稱和密碼。

  •   It recommended users make their accounts more secure by enabling two-step verification, which requires information other than a password to access an account.
  • 谷歌建議用戶以 “兩步驗證服務” 來加強其賬戶安全;所謂 “兩步驗證服務” 要求用戶進入賬戶時除了密碼以外還要提供相關資訊。

  •   It also said users should make sure that website addresses are legitimate before providing sensitive information.
  • 谷歌還提醒用戶在提供敏感訊息之前要確定有關網路地址是正規的。

  •   Google did not say who was responsible for the hacking attempts, but suggested it could be the same group that was behind a more complicated Gmail hacking campaign in 2011.
  • 谷歌沒有說最近攻擊的幕後黑手是誰,但是暗示,他們可能就是 2011 年大規模襲擊谷歌電郵的人。

EPT 美語
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