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六月份 第 15 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-06-21) ------

  • Brazil President Calls Emergency Cabinet Meeting on Protests
  • 巴西總統召集緊急內閣會議討論如何應對抗議
  •   Brazil's president has called for an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss an intensifying protest movement that has not slowed down despite government concessions.
  • 巴西總統羅塞夫召集緊急內閣會議,討論如何應對不斷擴大的抗議活動;儘管政府做出讓步,但抗議聲勢並未減弱。

  •   At least one million protesters rallied in dozens of cities across Brazil Thursday, including at least 300,000 in Rio de Janeiro where police fired tear gas to contain the crowds.
  • 星期四,至少 1 百萬人在巴西數十個城市舉行集會,其中里約熱內盧至少有 30 萬人集會,當地警察發射催淚彈,試圖壓制抗議者。

  •   Protesters also stormed the foreign ministry in the capital, Brasilia, throwing burning objects and firecrackers into the building before being repelled by police.
  • 抗議者還衝入首都巴西利亞的外交部,向外交部大樓內投擲燃燒物和爆竹,隨後被警察驅散。

  •   President Dilma Rousseff will meet with several government ministers early Friday to discuss how to respond to the protests, the country's biggest in two decades. She has already called off a trip to Japan planned for next week.
  • 星期五清晨,羅塞夫總統將會見幾名政府部長,討論如何應對巴西 20 年來規模最大的抗議活動;此外,羅塞夫還取消了計劃下星期對日本的訪問。

  •   This week's protests were originally triggered by an increase in bus and subway fares, but protesters have since focused on what they say is the government's neglect of public services, high taxes, and rampant corruption.
  • 本星期的抗議活動最初是公車和地鐵車票漲價引起的,隨後抗議者把矛頭指向政府對公共服務、高稅率以及嚴重腐敗等問題的漠視。


  • (2013-06-21) ------

  • 10 Killed in Mumbai Building Collapse
  • 印度頻繁發生樓房倒塌事件
  •   An apartment building has collapsed in the outskirts of India's financial capital, killing 10 people, including five children, and injuring nine other people.
  • 印度金融中心孟買郊區的一座公寓樓房倒塌,導致十人喪生,其中包括 5 名兒童;另有 9 人受傷。

  •   Officials say the three-story building collapsed early Friday in the Thane area on the outskirts of Mumbai while many of its residents were asleep.
  • 官員們說,這座三層樓建築星期五早晨在孟買市郊賽恩區坍塌,當時許多居民還在睡覺。

  •   Police say emergency workers have rescued 20 people from the rubble and are continuing efforts to find more survivors. The cause of the collapse is under investigation.
  • 警方表示,緊急救援人員從瓦礫中救出 20 人,目前仍在繼續尋找倖存者。樓房倒塌的原因正在調查中。

  •   Building collapses are common in India because builders often use substandard materials, and multi-story structures are often built without adequate supervision.
  • 在印度,由於建築商經常使用不合格的材料蓋房且多層的建築結構往往沒有足夠的監督,所以經常發生樓房倒塌的事件。

  •   Less than two weeks ago, 10 people were killed when another building collapsed in Mumbai.
  • 不到兩個星期前,孟買另外一座樓房倒塌,導致 10 人喪生。

  •   In April, 74 people died in one of the worst building disasters in India's history when a building being illegally constructed gave in.
  • 今年四月,印度發生歷史上最嚴重的違章建築樓房倒塌事件,74 人喪生。

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