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五月份 第 17 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-05-25) ------

  • Obama, Cameron Say Gadhafi Must Go
  • 歐巴馬, 卡梅倫:格達費必須下台
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron say military operations in Libya will continue until leader Moammar Gadhafi stops attacking civilians and gives up power.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬和英國首相卡梅倫表示,在利比亞的軍事行動將持續,直到格達費停止襲擊平民,交出政權。

  •   Speaking in London Wednesday at a joint news conference, President Obama said there will not be a let-up in the pressure on Mr. Gadhafi.
  • 歐巴馬總統星期三在倫敦的一次聯合新聞發佈會上說,對格達費的施壓不會減弱。

  •   Mr. Cameron said Britain will be looking at all options for increasing that pressure.
  • 卡梅倫說,英國將盡一切可能尋求加大這種壓力。

  •   Both leaders said the goal is for the Libyan people to be able to choose their own future.
  • 兩位領導人說,目標是使利比亞人民有能力選擇自己的未來。

  •   President Obama said he believes the NATO campaign in Libya will ultimately be successful in wearing down the pro-Gadhafi forces, but said it will be a "slow and steady process."
  • 歐巴馬總統說,他相信北約在利比亞的戰役最終將拖垮格達費部隊,取得勝利,但他說,這將是一個 “緩慢而堅定的過程”。

  •   Mr. Obama said the U.S. and the European Union also are increasing pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose security forces have been attacking anti-government protesters.
  • 歐巴馬說,美國和歐盟也在加大對敘利亞總統阿薩德的壓力;阿薩德的安全部隊在鎮壓反政府抗議者。


  • (2011-05-25) ------

  • Chinese Ambassador Hails Burma Before Thein Sein Visit
  • 中國大使在吳登盛訪華前夕讚揚緬甸
  •   China says this week's visit to Beijing by Burma's new president is certain to raise strategic and economic cooperation between the two countries to a new high.
  • 中國表示,緬甸新總統吳登盛這個星期訪華必定將中緬兩國之間戰略合作、經濟合作推上新的高度。

  •   China's ambassador to Burma, Li Junhua, made the remark in an interview published Wednesday by the official Xinhua news agency.
  • 中國駐緬甸大使李軍華在官方新聞機構新華社星期三發表的採訪中發表了此番言論。

  •   Li said the new Burmese government has achieved a smooth transition to power and has sent strong signals of its intention to develop the economy, boost living standards and open up to the outside world.
  • 李軍華說,緬甸新政府已經完成了權力的平穩交接,並發出強烈信號,表露新政府發展經濟、改善民生以及對外開放的意願。

  •   Burmese President Thein Sein is due in China from Thursday to Sunday for his first bilateral visit since taking office at the end of March along with a nominally civilian government.
  • 緬甸總統吳登盛將於星期四到星期天訪華,這是他三月底與名義上的文官政府一起就職以來的首次雙邊訪問。

  •   His only previous trip as president was to Jakarta for a recent Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit.
  • 吳登盛之前做為總統唯一一次旅行是前往雅加達參加最近的東南亞國家聯盟峰會。

  •   Li said Thein Sein's appearance in Jakarta signaled his government's intention to play a larger role in the activities of the international community.
  • 李軍華說,吳登盛出席雅加達的會議表明其政府願意在國際社會活動中扮演更多角色。


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