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八月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-08-19)------

  • Russia Marks 1991 'Coup' That Led to USSR Breakup
  • 俄羅斯紀念導致蘇聯解體的 91 年政變
  •   Russia is marking the 20th anniversary of the failed coup attempt that hastened the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • 俄羅斯紀念 1991 年 8 月的未遂政變 20 週年,那場未遂政變加速了蘇聯的解體。

  •   On August 19, 1991, a small group Communist hardliners placed Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev under house arrest at his vacation home in the Crimea.
  • 1991 年 8 月 19 日,幾名共產黨強硬派人士軟禁了在克里米亞度假的蘇聯領導人戈巴契夫。

  •   Their aim was to block the Kremlin chief's program of broad political and economic reforms, including allowing greater autonomy for the Soviet republics.
  • 他們的目的是阻止這位克里姆林宮的負責人實施廣泛的政治和經濟改革計劃,其中包括給聯盟內的各加盟共和國更大的自治權。

  •   Within hours, thousands of people gathered around Russian government headquarters in Moscow, where Russian President Boris Yeltsin stood atop a tank to denounce the coup plotters.
  • 政變發生的幾個小時之內,數以萬計的民眾聚集到莫斯科的俄羅斯政府總部周圍;當時俄羅斯總統葉利欽站在一輛坦克上講話譴責發動政變者。

  •   The coup collapsed three days later and Mr. Gorbachev returned to Moscow.
  • 三天後政變失敗,戈巴契夫返回莫斯科。

  •   Within weeks, the republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania seceded from the Soviet Union.
  • 幾個星期內,愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞和立陶宛紛紛宣佈脫離蘇聯。

  •   The entire U.S.S.R. ( - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - ) was dissolved in December, less than 75 years after the Russian Revolution brought the communist state into existence.
  • 在俄國革命後建立的蘇維埃社會主義聯盟在經歷了不到 75 年的時間後最終在 1991 年 12 月全面解體。

  •   To this day, Russians remain deeply divided over the Soviet collapse and the economic and political chaos that followed.
  • 直到今天,俄羅斯人仍然對蘇聯解體以及隨後出現的經濟、政治混亂局面有不同的看法。


  • (2011-08-19)------

  • Global Stocks Drop Again on Economy Fears
  • 經濟走軟憂慮加重 全球股市再度下跌
  •   Stock markets continued to fall across the globe on Friday, as investors showed new concern about the struggling U.S. economy and the stability of the European banking system.
  • 星期五,由於投資者對處境艱難的美國經濟和歐洲銀行系統的穩定產生新的憂慮,全球股市繼續下跌。

  •   Asian stock indexes dropped sharply, European exchanges followed suit and U.S. stock indexes retreated in early trading in New York.
  • 亞洲股市急劇下挫,歐洲股市也步其後塵;華爾街股市開盤呈現疲軟之狀。

  •   Analysts said that fear had overtaken stock trading, with many investors worried that officials in Europe and the U.S. will not be able to solve vexing economic and government financing issues.
  • 分析人士說,股市交易被擔憂所籠罩,很多投資者擔心,歐洲和美國官員將無法解決令人傷腦筋的經濟和政府融資問題。

  •   In Europe, the fear is that banks are not strong enough to handle the continent's debt contagion sweeping through its financially troubled governments.
  • 在歐洲,人們擔憂的是銀行系統不夠強健,不足以應對歐洲那些陷入金融困境的政府普遍面臨的債務擴散問題。

  •   Investors are also worried that U.S. politicians will not be able to reach agreement on long-term spending cuts to trim the country's burgeoning debt, or boost the economy enough to cut the nation's unemployment rolls.
  • 投資者還擔心,美國政界人士無法就長期的開支削減問題達成協定,來減少這個國家迅速膨脹的債務,或者給經濟提供足夠大的推動以減少失業率。


EPT 美語
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