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2024.10.05 08:56
口述 (楊大為) 第 061 首 (請大聲跟讀, 直到可以於口述的留空間隔唸完整句為止) [檢視72首 唱歌 的曲目]
- I Just Called to Say I Love You
- 我用電話說我愛你
- No New Year's Day to celebrate
- 沒有新年可以慶祝
- No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
- 沒有心型巧克力糖果可以送
- No first of spring, no song to sing
- 沒有初春的日子,也沒有歌曲可唱
- In fact here's just another ordinary day
- 實際上這又是個普通的一天
- No April rain, no flowers bloom
- 沒有四月的春雨,也沒有花朵的盛開
- No wedding Saturday within the month of June
- 沒有六月裡的週末婚禮
- But what it is
- 但這些…
- Is something true
- 都是真的
- Made up of these three words that I must say to you
- 我必須對你說這句由三個字組成的話
- I just called to say I love you
- 我只能在電話中說我愛你
- I just called to say how much I care
- 我只能在電話中說我多麼在乎你
- I just called to say I love you
- 我只能在電話中說我愛你
- And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
- 這是發自我內心裡的話
- No summer's high, no warm July
- 沒有興高采烈的夏天,也沒有溫暖的七月
- No harvest moon to light one tender August night
- 沒有中秋滿月的柔光照亮八月的夜晚
- No autumn breeze, no falling leaves
- 沒有秋天的微風,也沒有飄零的落葉
- Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
- 更沒有時間讓鳥兒飛向南方的天空
- No Libra sun, no Halloween
- 沒有天秤座的陽光,也沒有萬聖節的歡樂
- No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
- 沒有對你帶來聖誕的喜悅表示感謝
- But what it is
- 但這些…
- Though old so new
- 雖舊猶新
- To fill your heart like no three words could ever do
- 沒有什麼比那三個字更能填滿你的心