現在線上人數 120人
2025.02.08 01:46
第八部 第二課: whatchamacallit , mooch
- 今天 Larry 和李華在一家電腦商店買東西,李華會學到兩個常用語: whatchamacallit 和 mooch。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哎~,Larry,你想買甚麼呀?
- I need to get one of those whatchamacallits that add memory. The memory on my laptop computer is almost full. What do you need to get?
- 嗯~,我啊想買一些磁盤.疑?Larry,甚麼是 whatchamacallit?這個詞聽起來好怪喔!它能幫你增加 laptop 的內存?疑?那是電腦的部件嗎?
- No, no, it's not a part of the computer. Whatchamacallit, it is the combination of the words "what you might call it" joined together and said very fast.
- 哦喔~,原來 whatchamacallit 就是 what-you-might-call-it 這幾個詞合在一起的啊.那 whatchamacallit 這又是甚麼意思呢?
- When you don't remember the real name of the thing you are talking about, you might say whatchamacallit. I forget what the thing I need is called, so I just call it a whatchamacallit.
- 哦~,原來是你叫不出一樣東西的名字時候,你就可以說它是 whatchamacallit.哎,那在這種情況下,不就像我們中文裡說的「那個叫甚麼來啦」?
- Exactly. But you cannot tell a shop clerk "I want to buy whatchamacallit".
- 那當然囉,要是你對店員說,哎你想買那個叫甚麼來啦,他怎麼知道你要甚麼呢?疑? Larry,你看!這是甚麼? Look at this whatchamacallit!
- That's a zip drive. You can use it to save things on disks.
- 哦~,原來這就是我們平常常說的 zip drive 啊! What about that whatchamacallit?
- That's a digital music player. Li Hua, you can't just start calling everything a whatchamacallit!
- 怎麼啦?我不知道這個東西叫 digital music player ,所以我就用你教我的這個詞啊 - whatchamacallit 。
- I guess you're right, but don't use that as an excuse not to learn the real names of things.
- 哎~,你放心,你沒看見嗎?我學了就用啊,每次啊都是你教甚麼我就用甚麼啊!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哎~,Larry,我今天能不能借你的電腦用幾個小時啊?
- Last week, you borrowed my CD player. Yesterday, you ate half of my pizza and today, you want to borrow my computer. You're becoming a mooch, Li Hua!
- 哎喲,借用一下你的 CD player ,吃一點你的 pizza 你都記那麼清楚呀?你還說我變成甚麼啦?A mooch?
- A mooch, that's someone who instead of getting things for herself, borrows or takes things from others. You always come to my apartment and get free food out of my refrigerator. That makes you a mooch.
- A mooch 就是指那種喜歡借別人或者是拿別人東西的人.哎,Larry,我有的時候是到你冰箱裡拿東西吃,可是我有時候不是也請你吃晚飯嗎?
- Yeah well, the next time you come over, you should bring me a pizza.
- 沒問題,下次啊我給你帶個 pizza 不就行了嗎?哎,可是 Larry,咱們得先說清楚哦,你以後啊再也不能叫我是 mooch,我可不是那種喜歡白吃白喝、佔人便宜的人呢。
- Alright, alright. Let's forget about us for a second. Can you think of another person who is a mooch?
- 嗯, 讓我想一想…… 哎,對了,我啊在學校食堂吃飯的時候,有個女生老是湊到我桌上來吃我的炸薯條.更氣人的是,她還以為我沒注意到呢!
- Yes, that is a mooch. You should slap her hand next time she does that.
- 啊~,你說她下次再這麼做就打她的手啊?哎喲,那也用不著吧?我啊!學會了 mooch 這個詞,下次我就可以對她說 - Stop being a mooch!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華從 Larry 那兒學到了兩個常用語,一個是: whatchamacallit,就相當於中文裡所說的「那個叫甚麼來啦」.李華學到的另一個常用語是: mooch,意思是「喜歡白吃白拿的人」。