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2025.01.18 15:27
第十八部 第十三課: glitz , fashion risk
- Larry 和李華一起看奧斯卡頒獎典禮。李華今天要學兩個常用語,glitz 和 fashion risk.
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- Wow! I just love watching the Oscar Awards show, Li Hua. There is nothing quite as wonderful as the glitz of Hollywood.
- 我也特別喜歡看奧斯卡。不過Larry, 你剛才說glitz of Hollywood, glitz是什麼意思啊?
- Glitz generally refers to a spectacular visual display of glamour and wealth.
- 我每年看奧斯卡,最喜歡的就是看那些電影明星都穿些什麼式樣的晚禮服,戴什麼首飾。所以說,glitz就是光彩照人、讓人眼花繚亂的意思。
- Most of the glitz of the Oscars Award Show is what the actors and actresses are wearing. People enjoy deciding which stars at the Oscars are the best dressed, and which are the worst.
- Larry, 那你覺得今年誰穿得最漂亮,誰又穿得最難看呢?
- Well, I haven't really decided yet, because we haven't finished watching the show. But I would have to say what Nicole Kidman is wearing is just too glitzy for my tastes.
- Glitzy 肯定是從glitz來的。 妮可·基德曼Nicole Kidman穿的是一條很高雅、線條很簡單的黑裙子,怎麼會過於奢華呢?
- Well, it isn't Nicole Kidman's dress that is so glitzy, it is the *huge* diamond necklace that she is wearing with it.
- 這我同意。她戴的鑽石項鏈確實太醒目了。不過,這是好萊塢盛會,本來就是如此奢華的。
- Sure, but sometimes I think there is too much glitz! What about you, Li Hua? Who did you think is the best dressed?
- 那當然是喬治.克魯尼George Clooney嘍!不過,男明星跟女明星比起來,可就遜色多了。
- The female stars really get to put on the glitz with their colorful gowns in different styles and their jewelry.
- Larry, 你看,這是今年我最喜歡的電影主題曲,真希望這首歌能贏。
- I liked this song, too. Wow, they didn't cut back on the glitz for this musical number. Look at all the dancers and the special lighting effects.
- 太棒了!I love the glitz of Hollywood!
- Well, I am glad you are enjoying it, Li Hua, because the Oscars Award Show is very, very long. I think we still have at least three more hours of glitz!
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- So, now the Oscars are almost over. Which star do you think took the biggest fashion risk tonight, Li Hua?
- Fashion risk? 時尚冒險?哦,我知道了,你是說哪個明星穿著大膽,冒著可能不被別人接受的風險,對吧?
- Yes, that's right, Li Hua. A fashion risk is when someone wears something bold and dramatic, hoping that the people will think it is very stylish.
- 如果這種大膽嘗試不符合觀眾和媒體的口味呢?
- If a star wears something unfashionable tonight at the Oscar Awards Show, it will be in all the newspapers and all over the Internet tomorrow.
- 我覺得,在《漢娜.蒙塔娜》裡演主角的小明星麥莉·賽勒斯的穿著最有可能引起爭論。你覺得呢?
- I'll agree it was a bit of a fashion risk for someone so young to wear such a bright red dress, but I don't think she was the biggest fashion-risk taker at the Oscars tonight.
- 那你覺得是誰呢?
- I can't remember her name. But - you can't forget the dress she wore, the one with the leopard print design. Now that's taking a fashion risk!
- 我也記得那條象豹子斑點的裙子。雖然有些別出心裁,但她穿上去挺好看的,不知道時裝評論家明天會怎麼說。
- Well, I don't see how the critics could like that dress. But then again, what do I know? I'm not much of a fashion risk-taker myself.
- 對啊,你每天就是襯衫和休閒褲,從來也不換換花樣。
- That's right. The biggest fashion risk I take is when I decide that I am going to wear a striped shirt instead of a plain one!
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- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 glitz, 指光彩照人,讓人眼花繚亂。另一個是 fashion risk, 指穿著大膽,挑戰時尚。