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一月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [14][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2013-01-15) ------

  • Obama Calls for Debt Ceiling Increase, Supports 'Sensible' Gun Control
  • 歐巴馬呼籲提高債務上限並支持合理控槍
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to quickly approve an increase in the country's borrowing limit and says he supports "sensible" new gun controls to try to prevent more mass shootings in the country.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬呼籲國會盡快通過增加美國借貸上限的法案;歐巴馬表示,他支持採取明智的槍支管制新措施,以防止美國出現更多的大型槍殺案。

  •   Less than a week before he starts his second term, Mr. Obama said at a White House news conference Monday that it would be "irresponsible" for his political opponents in Congress to even consider not raising the country's $16.4 trillion borrowing limit in the coming weeks.
  • 在開始第二任總統任期的幾天前,歐巴馬在白宮舉行的記者會上說,如果國會中的共和黨人不在未來幾個星期中考慮提高美國 16.4 兆美元的借貸上限,那將是 “不負責任” 的。

  •   The U.S. has already reached the debt ceiling, but has enough money to continue paying its bills for several weeks.
  • 美國目前已經達到債務上限,但在未來幾星期中還有足夠資金來支付賬單。

  •   The president said the borrowing limit needs to be increased, not so that government spending can be boosted, but so the U.S. can meet financial obligations it has already incurred.
  • 歐巴馬總統說,美國必須提高借貸上限,這不是因為政府就此可以增加開支,而是只有這樣美國才能兌現已做出的財政承諾。

  •   On gun control, the president said he expects to receive a list of "sensible and common sense steps" from his special task force on preventing gun violence.
  • 在槍支管制方面,歐巴馬總統說,他期待從他任命的防止槍支暴力特別行動小組那裏得到一份 “明智而且符合常理步驟” 的清單。

  •   He said he would meet later in the day with Vice President Joe Biden, who chaired the task force, to discuss the proposals.
  • 他(歐巴馬) 說,他稍後將和負責特別行動小組的副總統拜登碰面,討論有關提議。

  •   While he declined to provide specifics, Mr. Obama repeated his stance that he believes that stronger background checks, tighter control of high-capacity ammunition clips and an assault weapons ban are all proposals that make sense.
  • 盡管歐巴馬拒絕提供細節,但他重申,他相信更嚴格的背景調查、加緊控制大容量彈匣並禁止攻擊性武器都是合理的提議。

  •   Mr. Obama's news conference came a month after a man shocked the nation by going on a shooting rampage at an elementary school in the northeastern state of Connecticut, leaving 20 children and six adults dead.
  • 在歐巴馬舉行這次記者會的 1 個月前,美國東北部的康乃狄克州發生了令人震驚的小學校園槍殺案,導致 20 名學童和 6 名成人的喪生。


  • (2013-01-15) ------

  • Pakistani Forces Use Tear Gas on Anti-Government Demonstrators
  • 巴基斯坦軍隊對反政府示威者使用催淚彈
  •   Pakistani security forces have fired into the air and lobbed tear gas in Islamabad, where protesters are holding an early morning march and calling on the country's political leaders to resign and dissolve the government.
  • 在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡,安全部隊向空中鳴槍,並向示威者施放催淚彈;星期二清早,示威者發動遊行,要求巴基斯坦政治領導人辭職和解散政府。

  •   The demonstrators gathered on one of the city's main thoroughfares for an anti-corruption protest.
  • 示威者聚集在伊斯蘭堡的主要街道,舉行反腐敗抗議活動。

  •   They were acting at the urging of populist Pakistani cleric Tahir-ul Qadri.
  • 他們響應深受民眾愛戴的巴基斯坦神職人員卡德里的號召。

  •   He told the tens of thousands of people at the protest to march on parliament.
  • 他(卡德里) 呼籲數十萬抗議者到議會遊行示威。

  •   Qadri's supporters pushed aside barriers of barbed wire and shipping containers that police had erected to contain the crowd.
  • 卡德里的支持者推開警察為阻擋人群而放置的鐵絲網和貨箱,向議會大廈推進。

  •   Qadri said he would speak to his supporters around mid-day outside parliament to press his demand for the government's abdication.
  • 卡德里說,他將於中午時分在議會大廈外面向支持者發表講話,並要求政府下台。

  •   Pakistan is due to hold parliamentary elections in mid-May, and parliament would be dissolved about two months beforehand.
  • 巴基斯坦定於 5 月中旬舉行議會選舉,並將在此之前大約兩個月解散議會。

  •   But Qadri said the government should step down immediately, to clear the way for an interim Cabinet to root out graft and mismanagement, which he blames for chronic energy shortages, slow economic growth and a rise in crime and Taliban insurgency.
  • 但卡德里說,政府應當立即下台,以便成立一個臨時內閣,清除貪腐和管理不善,他認為這些因素導致了長期能源短缺、經濟發展緩慢、犯罪率上升以及塔利班的叛亂。

EPT 美語
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