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2025.01.18 14:45
四月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-04-14) ------
- China Rushes Aid to Victims of Powerful Earthquake
- 中國緊急救助強烈地震災民
- Chinese officials are rushing aid to the western part of the country after a powerful earthquake Wednesday that killed at least 400 people and injured more than 10,000 in the mountainous Tibetan Plateau.
- 中國當局向地震災區緊急調運救援物資;青海玉樹地區星期三早晨發生強烈地震,造成至少 400 人死亡,1 萬多人受傷。
- The 6.9 magnitude quake toppled buildings, destroyed roads and knocked out power and phone lines in Qinghai province, which borders Tibet.
- 這次地震強度為 6.9 級,導致房屋倒塌,道路被毀,供電和電話線被切斷。
- The quake was followed by a series of strong aftershocks, the largest with a magnitude of 6.3.
- 大震過後,又發生了一系列的強力餘震,最大餘震為 6.3 級。
- The main quake was centered in the ethnic Tibetan county of Yushu, in the southern part of Qinghai.
- 這次地震的震央在青海南部,靠近四川的玉樹藏族自治州。
- Rescuers are working to dig out those trapped in rubble. Hundreds of troops have been dispatched to the region to assist in the effort.
- 救援人員正在努力挖掘,救助被困在倒塌樓房和瓦礫中的災民;數以百計的軍隊已經趕赴災區,幫助救援工作。
- The state-run Xinhua news agency says President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have ordered local authorities to go all out to save those affected.
- 官方的新華社說,胡錦濤主席和溫家寶總理下令地方當局全力以赴救助災民。
- With many people forced outside into cold temperatures, the Qinghai government said it is rushing 5,000 tents and 100,000 coats and blankets to the region.
- 地震後很多人被迫在低溫下露宿街頭;青海政府說,正向災區緊急運送 5000 頂帳篷和 10 萬件大衣和毛毯。
- But a local police commander in Qinghai told Chinese Central Television that authorities lack the proper equipment to respond to the disaster.
- 但是青海警方的一位負責人對中央電視臺說,他們缺少適當的設備來應對災情。
- (2010-04-14) ------
- 84 Dead as Cyclone Slams Eastern India, Bangladesh
- 龍捲風襲擊東印度和孟加拉國造成 84 人死亡
- A cyclone has hit eastern India and Bangladesh, killing at least 84 people and destroying more than 60,000 homes.
- 印度東部和孟加拉國出現龍捲風,造成至少 84 人死亡,6 萬多所房屋被毀。
- The storm ripped across India's West Bengal and Bihar states and neighboring parts of Bangladesh late Tuesday.
- 這場風暴星期二夜間侵襲了印度加爾各答以北大約 500 公里的西孟加拉邦和比哈爾邦,以及鄰國孟加拉國部分地區。
- Two of the deaths were reported in Bangladesh, including a police officer who was crushed under a wall.
- 孟加拉國報告有兩人死亡,包括一名警察;他是被牆壓死的。
- The cyclone packed winds of up to 120 kilometers an hour, destroying power and telephone lines and uprooting trees in Bihar and West Bengal.
- 龍捲風的風速高達每小時 120 公里;在西孟加拉邦和比哈爾邦,龍捲風摧毀了供電和電話線路,把樹連根拔起。
- Indian authorities are rushing aid to cyclone-hit areas, with the homeless are being shifted to temporary shelters.
- 印度當局已派人趕往災區進行救援,無家可歸的人正在轉移到臨時避難所。