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五月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-05-14) ------

  • Burmese Refugee Boat Capsizes, Many Feared Dead
  • 緬甸難民船傾覆 多人恐葬身大海
  •   The United Nations says a boat evacuating as many as 150 Rohingya Muslim refugees has capsized off the coast of western Burma, as tens of thousands scramble to leave low-lying refugee camps in preparation for an incoming cyclone.
  • 聯合國說,一艘疏散多達 150 名羅興亞回教徒難民的船隻在緬甸西部海岸外海傾覆;與此同時,成千上萬的人為了躲避即將登陸的颶風,正匆忙逃離低窪地區的難民營。

  •   The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Tuesday a boat towing two other boats struck rocks near Pauktaw township in Burma's Rakhine state. It said an unknown number of people were missing, with many feared dead.
  • 聯合國人道事務協調辦公室星期二說,一艘拖著另外兩隻船的船在緬甸的諾開邦帕科塔烏鎮觸礁後翻覆,失蹤人數不詳,但很多人恐怕已經喪生。

  •   The incident happened Monday, as the refugees were being moved to what the U.N. office called "other Muslim host communities" in that part of Burma.
  • 這次事件發生在星期一,當時這些難民們正被運往聯合國辦公室所說的緬甸那個地區的 “其他回教徒社區”。

  •   Aid agencies continue to warn of a possible humanitarian disaster that could result from heavy flooding and mudslides when tropical Cyclone Mahasen hits the coast of western Burma and Bangladesh late Wednesday.
  • 救援機構繼續警告說,在熱帶颶風 “馬哈森” 星期三晚間登陸緬甸西部海岸和孟加拉國時,特大洪水和泥石流可能會引發人道主義災難。

  •   Most at risk are the tens of thousands of people, mostly Rohingya Muslims, living in squalid refugee camps in flood-prone areas of Rakhine.
  • 目前處境最危險的是居住在諾開邦洪水易發地區骯髒難民營的成千上萬的難民,其中大多數是羅興亞回教徒。

  •   They were displaced following Buddhist-Muslim violence last year that killed nearly 200 people.
  • 這些人在去年導致近 200 人喪生的佛教徒和回教徒的暴力事件後無家可歸。


  • (2013-05-14) ------

  • Putin, Netanyahu to Hold Syria-Focused Talks
  • 普京和內塔尼亞胡舉行敘利亞問題會談
  •   Russian President Vladimir Putin hosts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for talks Tuesday focused on the situation in Syria.
  • 俄羅斯總統普京星期二將歡迎到訪的以色列總理內塔尼亞胡,著重討論敘利亞的局勢。

  •   Israel and Western powers are concerned about potential Russian sales of advanced anti-aircraft weapons to Syria, which would complicate any possible airstrikes against President Bashar al-Assad's forces.
  • 以色列和西方大國對俄羅斯可能向敘利亞出售先進的防空武器表示擔憂,因為這將使對阿薩德總統軍隊的任何可能空中打擊複雜化。

  •   Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last week his government is completing arms sales to Syria under existing contracts, but did not say if advanced S-300 missile batteries were included.
  • 俄羅斯外長拉伕羅夫上星期說,根據雙方簽訂的合同,俄羅斯政府將履行對敘利亞的軍售,但是他沒有說明先進的 S-300 導彈系統是否在內。

  •   The talks come as efforts continue to arrange an international peace conference on Syria, which Russia and the United States proposed last week.
  • 與此同時,國際社會正在繼續努力安排召開一個敘利亞問題的國際和平會議;這個會議是俄羅斯和美國上星期提議召開的。

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