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十月份 第 14 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-10-20)------

  • Taiwan's Military: China's Military Build-up Hampers Relations
  • 台灣指責大陸加強對臺軍力妨礙兩岸關係
  •   Taiwan's defense ministry says China is continuing to build up its military deployment targeting the island, despite improved relations.
  • 台灣國防部說,儘管兩岸關係在改善,中國大陸繼續加強針對台灣的軍事部署。

  •   In a report issued Tuesday, the ministry says China now has up to 1,500 missiles aimed at Taiwanese targets.
  • 台灣國防部星期二在 2009 年國防報告書中說,中國大陸現在部署了 1500 枚導彈瞄準台灣。

  •   It says China's military also is taking steps to prevent outside forces from coming to Taiwan's aid in case of an attack.
  • 報告說,中國大陸軍方還在採取措施,在台灣一旦遭遇襲擊時,阻止外來勢力向台灣提供幫助。

  •   The biennial report says China's aggressive stance toward the self-ruled island stands in the way of establishing trust between the Chinese and Taiwanese militaries.
  • 這份兩年一度的報告說,中國大陸對台灣的軍事威脅妨礙中國大陸和台灣軍方建立互信。


  • (2009-10-20)------

  • Afghanistan to Hold Runoff in Disputed Presidential Vote
  • 阿富汗在有爭議選舉舉行總統決選
  •   Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a presidential runoff vote on November 7 after a U.N.-backed investigation found massive fraud in the August election, invalidating President Hamid Karzai's outright victory.
  • 阿富汗選舉委員會命令在 11 月 7 日舉行總統決選;此前,聯合國支援的調查發現,在 8 月的選舉中出現大範圍的舞弊,卡爾扎伊總統並未以壓倒性多數票當選。

  •   President Karzai on Tuesday agreed to the second-round election against his main challenger, former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah.
  • 卡爾扎伊總統星期二同意跟得票第二多的前外交部長阿卜杜拉舉行決選。

  •   Officials called for the run-off after a United Nations-backed panel investigating the disputed vote threw out one-third of Mr. Karzai's ballots because of fraud, leaving him without a majority of votes needed to avoid a runoff.
  • 阿富汗選舉官員星期二宣佈舉行決選,之前聯合國選舉調查委員會宣佈卡爾扎伊三分之一的得票因舞弊而作廢,這樣卡爾扎伊就失去避免決選的大幅領先的地位。

  •   Mr. Karzai told reporters during a news conference in Kabul the runoff represents a "step forward" toward democracy.
  • 卡爾扎伊在喀布爾的一次記者上說,這次決選代表阿富汗朝著民主發展又前進了一步。

  •   He urged people to take part in the November vote and called on the international community to help ensure voters can safely cast their ballots.
  • 他敦促阿富汗人民參加 11 月的投票,並呼籲國際社會幫助確保選民能安全投票。

  •   U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the world body will do all it can to make sure the second-round vote is carried out in a credible and secure manner.
  • 聯合國秘書長潘基文說,聯合國將盡全力確保決選投票能在可信和安全的環境下舉行。

  •   But he conceded the task is going to be what he described as a "a huge challenge".
  • 但是他承認,未來的選舉工作將是“巨大的挑戰”。

  •   U.S. President Barack Obama said Mr. Karzai's action is an important step toward ensuring a credible election.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,卡爾扎伊的行動是朝著確保一個可信的選舉邁出了重要一步。


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