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第三部 第十課: to be into , geek

  • 今天 Michael 和李華一起溫習功課,在他們兩人對話的時候,李華學到了兩個新詞兒: to be intogeek
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嗨,Michael! 我馬上要考試了,你幫我溫習一下功課好不好?疑?你在看什麼書啊? 啍,是本漫畫呀?
  • Hmmm, Yes, it is a comic book. I really used to be into comic books when I was a high school, but now I don't have much time to read them.
  • 「Be into」 漫畫書,你是說你喜歡把頭埋在漫畫書裡邊兒啊?
  • Well, not exactly. Be, b-e, Into, i-n-t-o. 「to be into」 means to be very interested in something, and know a lot about it.
  • 哦~,原來你說的 to be into 指的是一種嗜好。疑?可是我以為,只有小孩兒才看漫畫書的。你~未免年紀也太大了點兒吧?
  • Please! Comic books are not only for children. A lot of people my age are into comic books. And in Japan, everybody reads them, young or old.
  • 哎,那 Michael , 你還有其它哪些嗜好呢?
  • Well, I am into dancing, and I am also into camping and watching sports.
  • 嗯!我就不喜歡看體育節目,我啊倒是對連續劇挺感興趣的呢。
  • Why are you still into soap operas? They are so boring! At least the people who play sports are real!
  • 哎~,你看你的漫畫書,我看我的連續劇。而且啊,我還有些真正的嗜好啊。舉例說,啊-,我就對中國書法很有興趣,只不過啊,我的字老寫不好。
  • That's not true! I think your calligraphy is very good. You have been into calligraphy for a long time, haven't you?
  • 是沒錯啦,我很小的時候,我媽就逼著我練字了。那時候啊,我一點也不喜歡,不過現在啊,我還真感激她那時逼著我練字呢!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 哎,Michael,你是不是該停下來,別再看那漫畫書啦,我們該開始複習功課了。
  • Li Hua, you sound like my mother. Anyway, I can't put this comic book down. I am such a comic book geek.
  • 啊?你說你是什麼啊?一個 geek ?那是什麼意思啊?
  • Well, a "geek" is someone who spends all of their time with their special interests or hobbies. They are more concerned about their hobbies than being "cool" or making friends.
  • 哦~,那這個 geek 是怎麼拼的啊?這個字聽起來好怪喔。
  • Geek, g-e-e-k.
  • 哎,Michael,那~這樣的話,我能不能說籃球名將 Michael Jordan 他是一個籃球 geek 呢?
  • Well, not really. Geeks are not usually into playing sports. They like things like comic books, computers, collecting stamps, and reading science fiction books.
  • 嗯~,這樣說來,一個 geek 他所喜歡的東西,大部份是要用腦筋和想像力的,但是不需要身體勞動。有點類似書獃子喔,我想在美國啊被人叫著 geek 可不是件好事呢!
  • That sounds about right. Geeks often put their hobbies before other things, such as their social life, meeting girls, gaining a useful education.
  • 啊哈!你就是一個道地的 geek! 你啊,就情願看漫畫書而不肯學習。
  • Gee, thanks Li Hua. Anyway, I am not completely a geek. I do study hard most of the time. I do like to dance, and I do have a lot of female friends.
  • 好了好了,那我就算你是半個 geek 好了.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天 Michael 和李華二個人本來是要在一起溫習功課的,結果聊起了 to be into 和 geek 這兩個新詞兒.李華現在明白了 to be into 就是「一個人對某件事物特別有興趣」. geek 是說「一個人只花時間在他有興趣的嗜好上,別的都不管不顧」,有點像書獃子
EPT 美語
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