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第四部 第十五課: to crack somebody up , wannabe

  • 今天 Michae l和李華在談論著名演員阿諾.施瓦辛格,在加州當選州長的新聞.在談話中李華會學到兩個常用語:to crack somebody upwannabe
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 哎,Michael, 幹嘛這麼關心加州的州長選舉啊?你又沒去過加州!
  • I know, it's just the idea that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the new governor of California cracks me up! It's so funny!
  • 你說,阿諾選上加州州長讓你怎麼啦?cracks-me-up?
  • I said, "Cracks me up!" That means it makes me laugh. In fact, the whole California election cracks me up. It's all so ridiculous!
  • 哦~,我知道了,如果說什麼事情 cracks you up, 那就是說啊,這件事讓你覺得好笑.疑?可是,為什麼加州選舉會讓你覺得好笑啊?
  • Hehehe. For some reason, whenever I see Arnold giving a speech on TV, I just crack up.
  • 你說,你只要在電視上看到阿諾講話就覺得好笑,為什麼呢?我覺得他比其他政客還好一些哎!
  • He is not the same! He has a funny accent, and whenever I see him, I don't see Arnold, I see his characters from Terminator and Conan the Barbarian. (laughs at length) It just cracks me up!
  • 啊~,你一看見阿諾,就會想起他在電影裡扮演的角色啊,難怪你覺得他的樣子好笑.哎,可是你嘲笑他說話有口音,這不太好吧!
  • Oh who cares? Everyone laughs at Arnold's accent: "I just want to say to Governor Gray Davis, Hasta la vista, baby! You won't be baaack!"
  • 哼嘿嘿!行了行了,Michael! You are cracking me up. 你啊,聽起來一點也不像阿諾!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 你知道嗎,Michael, 阿諾啊他不僅僅是演員,他在經商方面也很有經驗,而且看起來滿有政治天才的,說不定啊他會是個很好的州長啊!
  • Oh, what? Are you crazy? Arnold is barely even an actor. And he doesn't have any experience as a politician! He's a wannabe!
  • 你說他是什麼啊? A wannabe? 哎,Michael, 你不喜歡他可以,可是不應該這樣罵他吧?
  • I didn't call Arnold a rude name! I said that he's a wannabe politician. I mean he isn't a real politician, he just wants to be a real politician!
  • 哦,我懂了.Wannabe,它的意思就是,「想要成為某個人或者是某種人」. 所以,你說阿諾是個 wannabe politician,就表示呢,他希望成為政治家,可是啊,他不是真正的政治家.疑?那, wannabe 這個詞還有其它的意思嗎?
  • A "wannabe" is often someone who wants people to think they are a certain kind of person, even though they aren't the real thing.
  • 哦~,A wannabe 還可以說,是要別人認為他是某種類型的人,雖然啊他們並不是那種人。
  • Can you give me an example of a "wannabe," Li Hua?
  • 嗯,你讓我想一想...,哎,對了,很多中國學生啊都覺得我們系裡的 Anderson 教授,他呀,是個 wannabe 中國專家.只去過中國幾次,漢語啊說得亂七八糟,可是啊,他總是做出很懂中國的樣子。
  • Yeah, he is a wannabe.
  • 哎,Michael, 你呀,要是不好好練習中文的話,有一天,你也會成為一個 wannabe 中國專家!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Michael 和李華今天在談論著名演員阿諾.施瓦辛格在加州當選州長的新聞.在他們的談話中,李華學到了兩個很有用的說法: to crack somebody up 是 「讓人發笑」 的意思; wannabe 指「希望成為某種人的人」。
EPT 美語
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