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十一月份 第 08 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-11-14)------

  • Obama Links US Economic Future to Asia
  • 歐巴馬說美國的經濟未來維繫於亞洲
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama has tied America's economic future to that of Asia, stressing that the United States is, and always will be, a Pacific nation.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,美國經濟的未來維繫於亞洲經濟的未來;他強調說,美國現在是、將來也永遠是一個太平洋國家。

  •   Concluding a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders in Hawaii Sunday, Mr. Obama focused on his efforts to reduce his nation's stubborn unemployment rate by doubling exports. He said the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region is key to that goal.
  • 星期天,歐巴馬在夏威夷結束亞太地區領導人峰會時重點關注他在以加倍出口來降低美國嚴重失業問題上所做的努力;他說,高速增長的亞太地區是實現這一目標的關鍵。

  •   Mr. Obama said that during their talks in Hawaii, the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Conference leaders agreed on steps to increase trade and encourage innovation, including simplified customs and tariff rules.
  • 歐巴馬說,在夏威夷的會談中,亞太經濟合作組織的 21 位領導人在推動貿易和促進創新的步驟上達成共識,其中包括簡化海關和關稅規則。

  •   He said the leaders have also agreed on ways to encourage clean energy technologies and phase out subsidies that encourage the use of fossil fuels blamed by scientists for climate change.
  • 歐巴馬說,各位領導人還在推進清潔能源技術和逐步停止補貼使用化石燃料的途徑方面達成了共識;科學家將氣候變化歸咎於化石燃料的使用。


  • (2011-11-14)------

  • Suu Kyi Welcomes Burmese Rights Progress, Calls For More
  • 翁山素姬對緬甸人權進步表示歡迎 呼籲更多進步
  •   Democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi says Burma's government has taken positive steps toward reform in the year since she was released from house arrest, but needs to do more.
  • 民主派領導人翁山素姬表示,自她被解除軟禁的一年來,緬甸政府在改革方面取得積極的進步,但進步還不夠。

  •   Speaking to more than 100 journalists Monday on the anniversary of her release, the Nobel peace laureate said the past year had been "eventful, energizing and to a certain extent, encouraging."
  • 翁山素姬這位諾貝爾和平獎獲得者星期一在她被解除軟禁一週年紀念日上對 100 多名記者表示,過去的一年發生了很多事情,令人振奮甚至在某種程度上令人感到鼓舞。

  •   However, she said there are still key issues to be addressed -- including the release of political prisoners, the treatment of ethnic minorities and the need for rule of law and an independent judiciary.
  • 但翁山素姬表示,仍然有很多關鍵問題需要解決,包括釋放政治犯、改善少數民族待遇,以及需要建立法制和獨立的司法部門。

  •   She said she had no news about widespread rumors that the government would announce the release of more prisoners Monday.
  • 她說,她對此間廣為流傳的政府將在星期一釋放更多政治犯的傳言並不了解。

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