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一月份 第 05 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2014-01-07) ------

  • Record Cold Freezes Much of US
  • 創紀錄的嚴寒冷凍了美國大片地區
  •   Thousands of schools across the eastern and southern United States were closed Tuesday as a bitter cold front moved into the area after freezing the midwestern section of the country.
  • 美國東部和南部數千所學校因嚴寒天氣而停課關門,之前美國中西部變得天寒地凍,冷空氣星期二向東部和南部移動。

  •   Forecasters say temperatures will plunge well below minus 10 degrees Celsius in Washington, D.C., New York, Philadelphia and Boston, while the wind chill, which is the temperature feels like during a strong wind, will be far lower.
  • 星期二,波士頓、紐約、費城和華盛頓等東部主要城市預計將迎來低於攝氏零下 10 度的低溫,加上寒風效應,天氣格外寒冷。

  •   The frigid weather is also reaching into the so-called Deep South, including Florida and southern Texas, which usually enjoy moderate temperatures during the cold weather season.
  • 甚至連平時氣候溫暖的佛羅里達州和南部的德州,預計氣溫都將低於正常值大約 20 度。

  •   Authorities have decided to close schools to keep children safe from exposure to the extreme cold, which could lead to frostbite within minutes if skin is left exposed.
  • 很多城市的官員已經決定星期二關閉學校。暴露在如此寒冷的氣溫下,幾分鐘內就會被凍傷。


  • (2014-01-07) ------

  • Thai Opposition Protesters Rally Support for “Bangkok Shutdown”
  • 反對派示威者爭取民眾支援 “曼谷關閉”
  •   Anti-government protesters marched through Bangkok Tuesday, rallying support for a larger demonstration next week they hope will shut down the capital and force the prime minister to resign.
  • 泰國反政府抗議者星期二在曼谷遊行示威,為下星期更大規模的抗議集會造勢; 反政府勢力希望下星期的示威會造成首都癱瘓,迫使總理英拉辭職。

  •   One of the protesters, 27-year-old Naprapat Phrompipatpakdee, said she supports the opposition's call for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to hand over power to an unelected people's council.
  • 27 歲的抗議者納普拉帕說,她支援反對派要求英拉下臺,把權力交給一個非選舉產生的人民委員。

  •   The protesters, led by ex-Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, aim to paralyze the capital next Monday with mass demonstrations that will block main highways and prevent government offices from functioning.
  • 由前副總理索貼領導的反政府運動計劃於下星期一舉行大規模抗議示威,造成主要公路堵塞,使政府部門無法辦公。

  •   Prime Minister Yingluck has dissolved parliament, called for early elections, and proposed the formation of a national reform council as a way to resolve the months-long political crisis.
  • 泰國總理英拉已經解散了議會;她要求提前舉行選舉,並建議成立全國改革委員會,由該委員會來解決持續了一個月的政治危機。

  •   But the opposition has said this is not enough, saying reforms must take place before elections, which analysts say the prime minister's ruling party is likely to win.
  • 但是反對派說,這是不夠的,他們要求在選舉前進行改革;分析人士認為, 如果舉行選舉,英拉的執政黨很可能獲勝。

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