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四月份 第 08 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-04-13) ------

  • China Releases First Human Rights Plan
  • 中國發表第一個人權計劃
  •   China has released its first-ever human rights action plan, promising citizens improved legal protections, health care and wages.
  • 中國公佈了有史以來第一個人權行動計劃,向公民承諾改善司法保護、健康保健和工資待遇。

  •   The document published by state media Monday calls for an end to prisoner abuse, and says the death penalty will be strictly controlled.
  • 中國國營媒體星期一公佈的這份文件呼籲結束對犯人的虐待,並說將嚴格控制死刑。

  •   China is believed to have the highest execution rate in the world, and a recent string of inmate deaths has sparked further concern about the country's prison system.
  • 中國據信是世界上死刑犯處決率最高的國家,最新發生的一系列在押人死亡事件,引發了對中國監獄系統的進一步關注。

  •   The new two-year plan says corporal punishment, insulting detainees and extracting confessions by torture will be strictly prohibited.
  • 這項兩年計劃說,體罰、侮辱在押犯、刑訊逼供等將嚴厲禁止。

  •   It also calls for detainees, their families and society to be informed of prisoners' rights, as well as law-enforcement standards and procedures.
  • 這項計劃還呼籲要向在押犯、他們的家屬和社會通報犯人的權利以及執法標準和程式。

  •   Human rights advocates welcomed the plan, but worry it is merely symbolic.
  • 人權倡導者歡迎這項計劃,但是他們擔心這不過是象徵性的文件。


  • (2009-04-13) ------

  • Somali Pirates Vow Revenge on Americans
  • 索海盜誓言報復美國人
  •   Somali pirates are threatening to attack Americans in revenge for the killing of three pirates during the rescue operation for American cargo ship captain Richard Phillips.
  • 索馬利亞海盜威脅要襲擊美國人,以報復三名海盜在救援美國貨輪船長菲利普斯的行動中被打死。

  •   Pirates in the Somali pirate stronghold of Eyl told reporters Monday that the United States is now their enemy, and that they may kill any American hostages they take.
  • 位於埃勒的索馬利亞海盜大本營的海盜星期一對記者說,美國現在是他們的敵人,他們可能會殺死他們綁架的任何美國人。

  •   One pirate, Abdullahi Lami, told the Associated Press that "in the future, America will be the one mourning and crying."
  • 一位叫拉米的海盜對美聯社說,“將來悲傷和哭泣的將是美國”。

  •   Islamist militants, who previously cracked down on piracy in Somalia, are now praising the pirates.
  • 曾經鎮壓索馬利亞海盜的伊斯蘭激進分子現在對海盜大加讚賞。

  •   Militant leader Hassan Turki said Sunday that hijackers are helping to defend Somali waters from exploitation by foreigners from what he called "Christian countries."
  • 激進分子領導人圖爾基星期天說,綁架者在幫助保衛索馬利亞水域,免遭他們所說的來自“基督教國家”外國人的開發。

  •   U.S. Navy snipers shot and killed three Somali pirates Sunday in a daring high-seas rescue of captain Phillips.
  • 美國海軍狙擊手星期天在公海上實施的解救菲利普斯船長的大膽行動中,開槍打死三名海盜。


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