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2025.01.17 02:38
四月份 第 08 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-10) ------
- US, S. Korean Forces Upgrade Watch Level to Monitor N. Korea
- 美韓軍隊提高監視朝鮮的警戒等級
- United States and South Korean forces have raised their alert level in anticipation of a possible North Korean missile test.
- 預計朝鮮可能進行導彈試射,美國和韓國軍隊提高了對朝鮮的警戒等級。
- The South's semi-official Yonhap news agency Wednesday said the joint forces are now at "WatchCon 2," a level indicating a "vital threat."
- 韓國半官方的韓聯社星期三說,美韓聯合部隊目前處於二級警戒狀態,這是在面臨嚴重威脅時刻採用的警戒等級。
- North Korea is reported to be in the final stages of preparing for a mid-range missile test, placing many of its neighbors on edge.
- 據報朝鮮已經進入進行一次中程導彈試射的最後準備階段,這使很多鄰國感到憂慮。
- Some analysts expect the test to occur sometime around the Monday birthday of Pyongyang's founding leader, Kim Il Sung.
- 一些分析人士預計,朝鮮這次導彈試射將於下星期一左右進行;下星期一是朝鮮建國領導人金日成的生日。
- South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung Se told lawmakers Wednesday the probability of a test is "very high" and said it could occur at any time.
- 韓國外交部長官尹炳世星期三對韓國議員們說,朝鮮進行導彈試射的可能性 “非常大”,並表示這次導彈試射隨時可能發生。
- The commander of the U.S. forces in the Pacific says any North Korean missile could be intercepted if it poses a direct threat to the U.S. or its allies.
- 太平洋地區美軍司令說,如果朝鮮導彈對美國或美國盟友構成直接威脅,即可加以攔截。
- (2013-04-10) ------
- Syria Leads G8 Foreign Minister Talks
- 敘利亞是八國集團外長首要議題
- Syria tops the agenda as G8 foreign ministers gather for talks Wednesday in London.
- 八國集團的外交部長們星期三在倫敦舉行會談,敘利亞問題將是首要議題。
- Britain and France are expected to continue their push to lift a European Union arms embargo and allow shipments of weapons to rebels opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
- 預計英國和法國將繼續推動撤銷歐盟的武器禁運,並允許為反對敘利亞總統阿薩德的反政府武裝運送武器。
- Some EU members worry that a flood of weapons would only worsen the Syrian crisis.
- 一些歐盟成員國擔心運送大量武器只會使敘利亞危機更加惡化。
- Syrian opposition officials are also in London, and are due to hold talks on the sidelines of the meeting with some of the ministers, including British Foreign Secretary William Hague and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
- 敘利亞反對派官員也抵達倫敦,預定他們將在大會之外與八國集團的幾位外長進行會談,包括英國外交大臣黑格和美國國務卿克里。
- Hague says the discussion with the opposition is aimed at finding a political solution to the crisis and meeting humanitarian needs.
- 黑格說,與敘利亞反對派進行討論是為了尋找以政治方式解決危機的途徑以及滿足人道需求。
- The Group of Eight (the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia) will also consider tensions on the Korean peninsula, preventing sexual violence in war zones, cyber security, and issues involving Burma and Somalia.
- 包括美國、英國、德國、法國、意大利、日本、加拿大和俄羅斯的八國集團還將討論朝鮮半島的緊張局勢、防止戰爭地區的性暴力、網路安全以及有關緬甸和索馬里的問題。