現在線上人數 107人
2025.01.18 15:47
七月份 第 12 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-07-18)------
- U.S. Sends 5 Warships to Help Evacuate Citizens from Lebanon
- 美派遣五艦隻協助從黎撤離美公民
- Thousands of foreign nationals are fleeing Lebanon, as governments around the world intensify efforts to pull their citizens out of the battered country.
- 當世界各國政府加緊將本國的國民撤離爆發戰亂的黎巴嫩之際,成千上萬外籍人逃離黎巴嫩。
- The U.S. military announced it is sending five Navy ships to waters off Lebanon to assist in the evacuation of Americans.
- 美國軍方宣佈,正派遣5艘海軍艦隻前往黎巴嫩外海協助撤離美國公民。
- The United States also has chartered a cruise ship to carry hundreds of Americans out of Lebanon.
- 美國還包租一艘遊輪把數以百計的美國人撤離黎巴嫩。
- And the U.S. and Britain are airlifting by helicopter scores of people with special needs. A ship chartered by France carrying hundreds of French nationals arrived in Cyprus Tuesday.
- 美國和英國動用直升機把有特殊需要的人運出黎巴嫩.法國包租一艘船星期二將數百名法國公民送抵塞普勒斯。
- Many people from Arab countries have crossed by land into Syria on the way to their respective countries.
- 很多阿拉伯國家的人通過陸路進入敘利亞,前往各自的國家。
- (2006-07-18)------
- Afghan Coalition Forces Prepare to Retake District from Taleban
- 聯軍準備奪回塔利班佔領地區
- The U. S. military in Afghanistan says coalition forces are preparing to retake Garmser district in southern Afghanistan that was captured by Taleban militants on Monday.
- 駐阿富汗美軍說,聯軍部隊正準備重新拿下星期一被塔利班激進分子佔領的阿富汗南部的加姆塞爾地區。
- The Islamic rebels have taken control of southernmost Garmser district in Helmand province after days of fighting.
- 伊斯蘭反政府武裝經過數日戰鬥控制了赫爾曼德省最南端的加姆塞爾地區。
- That remote desert province borders Pakistan, with its district capital about 200 kilometers from the frontier across an empty and scorching desert.
- 赫爾曼德省地處偏遠沙漠,與巴基斯坦接壤,其首府距離邊境200多公里,中間橫隔著空曠和炙熱的沙漠。
- The US-led coalition says the Taleban also have taken control of a district north of Garmser called Naway-i-Barakzayi.
- 美國領導的聯軍還說,塔利班同時還控制了加姆塞爾以北的納萬伊 - 巴拉卡扎伊區。
- But the French news agency quotes Afghan officials as saying they managed to push the rebels back after a few hours of fighting late Monday.
- 但是,法新社援引阿富汗官員的話說,星期一晚間在經歷了幾個小時的戰鬥後,反政府武裝被趕走。