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七月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-07-16)------

  • Kerry En Route to Middle East for Talks on Egypt, Syria
  • 克里前往中東討論埃及與敘利亞問題
  •   U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is heading back to the Middle East amid rising tensions in Egypt and deteriorating conditions in Syria.
  • 美國國務卿克里再次出訪中東,目前埃及局勢日趨緊張,同時敘利亞局勢更加惡化。

  •   Kerry departed Monday for the Jordanian capital, Amman, where he is due to meet with Arab League officials to discuss developments in Egypt since the army's ouster of President Mohamed Morsi earlier this month.
  • 克里星期一啟程前往約旦首都安曼,會晤阿拉伯聯盟官員,討論埃及軍方本月早些時候罷免穆爾西總統以來的事態發展。

  •   He also is expected to discuss the crisis in Syria.
  • 此外,預計克里還將討論敘利亞危機問題。

  •   It is not clear if Kerry will hold talks during his trip on reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.
  • 目前還不清楚克里在訪問期間是否討論重啟以巴和平談判的問題。

  •   But U.S. officials say he may meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Amman.
  • 不過美國官員說,克里可能在安曼會晤巴勒斯坦權力機構主席阿巴斯。

  •   This is Kerry's sixth trip to the Middle East since becoming secretary of state earlier this year.
  • 克里自今年早些時候就任國務卿以來,這是他第 6 次出訪中東。


  • (2013-07-16)------

  • Burma Promises To Free All Political Prisoners By Year's End
  • 緬甸總統吳登盛承諾年內釋放所有政治犯
  •   Burmese President Thein Sein is promising to release all political prisoners in his country by the end of this year.
  • 緬甸總統吳登盛承諾在今年年底之前釋放緬甸所有政治犯。

  •   Mr. Thein Sein made the pledge Monday during a speech in London as he visited Britain for the first time.
  • 吳登盛星期一在倫敦發表演講時做出這一承諾;這是吳登盛首次訪問英國。

  •   He was given a warm welcome by British Prime Minister David Cameron. The two leaders discussed increasing trade links and military cooperation. Mr. Cameron also urged the Burmese president to defend human rights.
  • 吳登盛受到英國首相卡梅倫的熱情歡迎;兩位領導人討論了加強雙邊貿易關係及軍事合作等問題;卡梅倫還敦促吳登盛維護人權。

  •   President Thein Sein said thousands of prisoners already have been released from Burma's jails. He said a committee is working through the cases of those still in prison.
  • 吳登盛說,緬甸已經釋放了數千名政治犯;他表示,一個委員會正在審查仍被監禁的政治犯的案情。

  •   The Burmese leader also said he is close to brokering a nationwide cease-fire to end long-running conflicts between the government and various ethnic groups.
  • 吳登盛還說,他將很快斡旋達成政府與幾個少數民族組織之間旨在結束長期衝突的全國範圍停火。

  •   Mr. Thein Sein's visit was met by some protestors in London who demonstrated against Burma's human rights record.
  • 訪問期間,吳登盛在倫敦遇到一些示威者,他們對緬甸的人權紀錄表示抗議。

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