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2025.01.18 16:22
七月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-07-24)------
- WHO: Swine Flu Spreads Around the World
- 世衛:甲型流感在世界蔓延
- The World Health Organization says the H1N1 swine flu virus has spread to almost every country in the world, killing about 800 people since it emerged in April.
- 世界衛生組織表示,甲型 H1N1 流感已經蔓延到幾乎世界上的所有國家,自 4 月份爆發以來已經奪走大約 800 人的生命。
- A WHO spokesman (Gregory Hartl) says one of its main priorities is to furnish developing countries with vaccines to fight the virus.
- 世界衛生組織發言人格雷戈裏‧哈特爾說,世衛組織的首要任務之一是向發展中國家提供疫苗對抗流感。
- He says the first vaccines will be available before cold weather arrives in the Northern Hemisphere.
- 他說,首批疫苗將在北半球進入寒冷季節前到位。
- The spokesman says there were more than 130,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of swine flu before WHO stopped reporting them last week.
- 哈特爾表示,在世界衛生組織上星期停止報告甲型H1N1流感病例數字前,全世界共報告發現 13 萬確診甲型 H1N1 流感病例。
- He estimates there are hundreds of thousands of cases by now.
- 他估計,到目前甲型 H1N1 流感的病例可能已經達到數十萬。
- When the vaccines become available, several pharmaceutical companies have indicated they would not give free vaccines to developing countries, but would consider lowering prices for them.
- 一些製藥公司已經表示,在甲型 H1N1 流感疫苗可以投入市場的時候將不會對發展中國家無償提供,但是會考慮降低向發展中國家出售的價格。
- (2009-07-24)------
- Chinese Film Makers Withdraw From Australia's Film Festival
- 中國導演退出澳大利亞電影節
- The Melbourne International Film Festival opened Friday amid a boycott by Chinese film makers.
- 為期兩個星期的澳大利亞墨爾本國際電影節在中國導演的抵制下星期五開幕。
- Three Chinese film directors have pulled their movies from the two-week event in Australia, saying the action is to protest the planned screening of a documentary about a Chinese minority rights activist.
- 三位中國電影導演已經撤回他們的參展影片;他們說此舉是為了抗議電影節計劃放映一部有關中國少數民族民權活動人士的紀錄片。
- They say the decision was their own, and denied any pressure from the government.
- 他們說退出電影節是他們的個人決定,並否認他們受到來自政府的壓力。
- Chinese diplomats in Australia have asked the festival organizers to withdraw the film "The 10 Conditions of Love," portraying Washington-based Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer.
- 中國駐澳大利亞領事館已要求電影節主辦方撤銷放映紀錄片《愛情的 10 種條件》,該片是關於居住在華盛頓的維吾爾族活動人士熱比婭的。
- They also have objected to Kadeer's appearance at the event.
- 中方還反對主辦方邀請熱比婭出席放映活動。
- Beijing is accusing Kadeer of masterminding the July 5 deadly clashes between Uighur Muslims and China's dominant Han majority in northwestern Xinjiang province. She denies the accusation.
- 中國指控熱比婭是 7 月 5 日新疆維漢流血暴力衝突事件的幕後主謀,但她否認上述指控。