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十月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2006-10-10)------

  • US, Japan Seek Tough UN Sanctions Against North Korea
  • 美日謀求聯合國嚴厲制裁北韓
  •   Japan and the United States are seeking tough United Nations' sanctions in response to what may have been a North Korean test of a nuclear bomb.
  • 日本與美國正在尋求聯合國針對北韓可能進行的核彈試驗實施嚴厲制裁措施。

  •   The relatively small size of Monday's blast has made it difficult for scientists to confirm North Korea's claim that nuclear fission occurred.
  • 星期一爆炸的規模比較小,科學家難以證實北韓核子試爆的說法。

  •   If the nuclear test is confirmed, Japanese and U.S. officials have said they favor a total arms embargo against North Korea, a ban on luxury items, international inspections of cargo going into or out of the country and possible financial sanctions.
  • 日本和美國官員表示,一旦核子試驗得到證實,它們主張對北韓實施全面的武器禁運和奢侈品禁運,以及對所有進出北韓的貨物實施國際檢查和實施可能的金融制裁。

  •   A United States proposal for such actions was circulated among Security Council members Monday. Washington's ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton says Russia and China reacted favorably to the draft.
  • 美國星期一向安理會成員散發了一份包括這些主張的建議.美國駐聯合國大使博爾頓說,俄羅斯和中國對建議草案反應積極。

  •   The United States has not ruled out military action, but officials have said they favor peaceful means of resolving the issue. China says it opposes threatening North Korea with a military strike.
  • 美國沒有排除採取軍事行動,但是美國官員說,他們傾向於以和平手段解決問題.中國表示反對以軍事打擊威脅北韓。


  • (2006-10-10)------

  • Car Bomb in Baghdad Kills 10
  • 巴格達汽車炸彈炸死十人
  •   Iraqi officials say a car bomb explosion in Baghdad has killed at least 10 people and wounded several others.
  • 伊拉克官員說,一枚汽車炸彈在巴格達爆炸,造成至少10人死亡,一些人受傷。

  •   The blast ripped through a crowd outside a bakery in the mainly Sunni Dora neighborhood in southern Baghdad Tuesday.
  • 爆炸星期二發生在巴格達南部一個以遜尼派回教徒為主的居民區一家麵包店外面的人群中。

  •   Iraqi officials also say 60 bodies have been found in the Baghdad area in the past day, all with gunshot wounds and some showing signs of torture, likely the latest victims of sectarian death squads.
  • 伊拉克官員還說,過去一天裏在巴格達地區發現了60具屍體,屍體上都有槍傷,有的還有受刑的痕跡,很可能是被巴格達教派衝突中的殺人隊打死的。

  •   South of Baghdad, a roadside bomb killed two Iraqi policemen in Mussayab, while a policeman was gunned down near Hillah. A police official was shot and killed in the northern city of Mosul.
  • 在巴格達以南,一枚路邊炸彈在穆薩亞卜炸死了兩名伊拉克警察,一名警察在希拉附近被人開槍打死,還有一名警官在北部城市摩蘇爾受槍擊身亡。

  •   The U.S military says Iraqi and coalition forces killed 11 militants in a clash Monday near a mosque in Diwaniyah, the southern town which has been the scene of recent heavy fighting between troops and insurgents.
  • 美國軍方說,伊拉克和聯軍部隊星期一在迪瓦尼耶一座清真寺附近發生的戰鬥中打死了11名激進分子.政府軍和反叛分子最近在那裏發生過激戰。


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