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十月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-10-14)------

  • G20 Ministers Consider Europe Debt Options
  • 20 國財長討論歐債危機解決方案
  •   The finance ministers of the world's 20 biggest economies are meeting in Paris to try to resolve the European debt crisis that is threatening to push world economies into another recession.
  • 來自世界 20 個最大經濟體的財政部長們聚集巴黎,試圖解決歐洲債務危機;歐債危機有可能將各大經濟體再次拖入衰退的危險。

  •   The financial chiefs meeting Friday and Saturday are expected to consider several options that some leaders say could help stabilize the global financial markets and ease the debts of financially troubled Greece.
  • 參加星期五和星期六會議的財長們預計會就幾個方案進行討論; 一些領導人認為,這些方案有助於穩定幾個星期以來陷入動盪的全球金融市場,並舒緩債務纏身的希臘困境。

  •   Some leaders have suggested that Greece's debts need to be substantially cut, effectively a default on its obligations.
  • 一些領導人建議,希臘必須大量削減債務,也就是不償還部分債務。

  •   That could force investors holding Greek debt to assume much bigger losses than the 21 percent figure they already agreed to in approving a second Greek bailout in July, possibly to as much as 60 percent.
  • 但是,這將迫使希臘的債權人承受更大的損失,可能高達 60 %;歐洲國家在 7 月份批准給予希臘第二輪援助資金時,預計,投資者將蒙受 21 % 的損失。

  •   European leaders are pressing the continent's banks to sharply increase their cash reserves to cover possible losses on the debt they hold from Greece and other countries faced with burgeoning debt.
  • 除此之外,一些歐洲領導人敦促歐洲銀行大幅提升現金準備量,來應對他們所持有的希臘和其他債務日漸擴大的國家債券可能出現的損失。

  •   Some think the lending capacity of the International Monetary Fund should be increased.
  • 還有一些人則認為,國際貨幣資金組織應該加大借貸能力。


  • (2011-10-14)------

  • Clinton: Asia New Focus of US Economic, Foreign Policy
  • 希拉芯:亞洲是美國經濟外交政策新重點
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says America needs to put economic issues at the heart of its foreign policy, and reach across the Pacific to build stronger ties with Asia.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯‧克林頓說,美國需要將經濟議題做為其外交政策的核心,並要跨過太平洋與亞洲建立更牢固的關係。

  •   In a speech prepared for delivery Friday at the Economic Club in New York City, Clinton will tell business leaders America is facing a world where power will be determined more by economic rather than military might.
  • 克林頓為星期五在紐約經濟俱樂部準備的講話中將向商界領袖表示,在美國面臨的這個世界裏,國家實力將更加由經濟實力決定,而不是軍事實力。

  •   She will also say the strong cross-Atlantic ties Washington has forged with Europe must be duplicated with the Asian region.
  • 她還將提到,華盛頓與歐洲建立了大西洋之間的牢固關係,美國跟亞洲國家之間也要建立起這樣的關係。

  •   Patrick Chovanec, an economics professor at Beijing's Tsinghua University, tells VOA that Clinton's planned remarks represent a renewed U.S. emphasis on Asia, especially in light of China's growing economic status and its territorial ambitions in the Pacific Rim.
  • 清華大學的經濟學教授程致宇(Patrick Chovanec) 對美國之音表示,克林頓準備發表的演講表明美國重新開始重視亞洲,特別是考慮到中國正在增強的經濟地位及其在亞太地區的雄心。

  •   Clinton will also stress that the merger of economic and foreign policy must be applied to the changing situation in the Middle East, saying "the Arab political awakening must also be an economic awakening."
  • 克林頓還強調,經濟與外交政策的結合也必須應用於不斷變化的中東局勢;她說,阿拉伯世界的政治覺醒必須同時也是經濟的覺醒。


EPT 美語
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