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2025.01.18 16:39
十月份 第 11 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-10-15)------
- Chinese President Promises Economic Growth, Political Reform With Communist Party in Charge
- 中共總書記承諾經濟增長、共產黨統治下政治改革
- China's President Hu Jintao has opened the 17th Communist Party Congress in Beijing, promising economic growth and political reform while stressing the need for continued one-party rule.
- 中國國家主席胡錦濤在北京主持召開中國共產黨的第十七次全國代表大會,在強調堅持一黨統治必要性的同時,承諾經濟發展和政治改革。
- In his address to the Congress Monday, Mr. Hu said political reform must continue, but stressed that the Communist Party will remain in charge.
- 胡錦濤星期一對大會發表講話說,政治改革必須繼續,但是他強調,共產黨將保持領導地位。
- Mr. Hu pledged to allow more public participation in politics, and to promote what he called the "people's democracy."
- 胡錦濤承諾將允許公眾有更多的地參政議政權,推動他所說的「人民民主」。
- He also said the party will promote more non-party members to leading positions in government.
- 他還說,黨將提拔更多的黨外人士進入政府的領導崗位。
- Mr. Hu warned that the party would not tolerate corruption, and he said the work of stamping out corruption was crucial to maintaining its popular support.
- 胡錦濤警告說,共產黨不會容忍腐敗,並表示剷除腐敗的工作對維持民眾對黨的支持非常關鍵。
- The Communist Party has been rocked in recent years by high-level corruption cases, including the arrest of a party boss in Shanghai.
- 最近幾年發生的中共高層官員腐敗案例,包括上海市委書記的被捕,動搖了中共。
- (2007-10-15)------
- Kremlin: Putin Informed of Plot to Assassinate Him in Iran
- 克林姆林宮:普京得到訪伊刺殺陰謀情報
- Russian officials say President Vladimir Putin has been warned about a plot to assassinate him when he visits Iran Tuesday.
- 俄羅斯官員說,俄羅斯總統普京得到警告說,在他星期二訪問伊朗的時候,有人會企圖刺殺他。
- The Kremlin said Sunday Mr. Putin has been informed of the alleged plot, first reported by Russia's Interfax news agency.
- 克林姆林宮星期天說,普京已經被告知了這起據稱的行刺陰謀,行刺陰謀最先由俄羅斯文傳通訊社報導。
- Interfax said Sunday that suicide bombers have been training to attack Mr. Putin in Iran.
- 俄羅斯文傳通訊社星期天報導說,自殺炸彈殺手一直在訓練在伊朗襲擊普京。
- It did not say which groups are involved.
- 報導沒有說哪些組織捲入了刺殺陰謀。
- Iran's Foreign Ministry says the allegations are baseless and are aimed at undermining Russian-Iranian relations.
- 伊朗外交部說,這些指稱毫無根據,是企圖破壞俄伊關係。
- Mr. Putin is due to meet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran Tuesday.
- 普京定於星期二在德黑蘭會晤伊朗總統艾哈邁迪內賈德。
- The two leaders also will attend a summit of nations bordering the Caspian Sea. Mr.
- 兩位領導人還將參加里海周邊國家高峰會議。
- Putin's visit will be the first to Iran by a Russian leader since Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in 1943.
- 普京對伊朗的訪問將是繼蘇聯獨裁者史達林 1943 年訪伊之後,俄羅斯領導人的首次訪問。