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2024.10.05 09:13
十一月份 第 04 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-11-06)------
- US Defense Secretary Urges China to Press Iran on Nuclear Program
- 美國國防部長敦促中國就核項目向伊朗施壓
- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has urged China to step up pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear program, warning Beijing that it stands to lose from any instability in the Middle East.
- 美國國防部長羅伯特.蓋茨敦促中國加大對伊朗施加讓其放棄核項目的壓力;他警告說,中國會受損於中東地區任何不穩定情況。
- Speaking with reporters in Beijing Tuesday, Gates said an Iran that acts as a destabilizing force is not in anyone's interest, including China's.
- 蓋茨星期二在北京對記者說,扮演破壞中東穩定力量角色的伊朗對包括中國在內的任何國家都沒有好處。
- Gates said he raised the issue during meetings with Chinese officials Monday.
- 蓋茨說,他星期一在與中國官員會談時談到伊朗核項目問題。
- Although much of China's oil comes from Iran, it has twice supported U.N. sanctions against Iran for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment.
- 儘管中國的大量石油來自伊朗,但是中國曾兩度支持聯合國針對伊朗拒絕停止濃縮鈾實施制裁。
- But Beijing is ruling out any immediate additional sanctions.
- 但是北京不同意立即進一步制裁伊朗。
- A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said Tuesday that Beijing, like the United States, opposes a nuclear-armed Iran. He also stressed the importance of dialogue in resolving the dispute with Iran.
- 中國外交部發言人星期二說,北京和美國一樣,反對伊朗擁有核武器,但是他強調通過對話解決與伊朗爭端的重要性。
- (2007-11-06)------
- UN Envoy to Meet With Foreign Diplomats in Burmese Capital
- 聯合國特使將在緬甸首都會晤外國外交官
- Foreign diplomats in Burma have been summoned to its remote capital of Naypyidaw to meet with U.N. envoy Gambari who is attempting to end the country's political crisis.
- 駐緬甸的外國外交官被召集到偏遠的首都內比都,會晤試圖結束緬甸的政治危機的聯合國特使甘巴里。
- Diplomats in Burma said they were invited to meet with Gambari on Wednesday, but gave little information regarding the agenda for the gathering.
- 在緬甸的外交官說,他們被邀請星期三與甘巴里會面,但沒有提供多少有關這次會談議程的信息。
- Gambari arrived in Burma on Saturday and has been holding talks with the country's military rulers since his arrival.
- 甘巴里星期六抵達緬甸,自抵達後一直在與緬甸軍人統治者舉行會談。
- It is not clear if Gambari will meet with Burma's military leader Than Shwe during his visits or whether he will go ahead with a scheduled meeting with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Tuesday.
- 目前還不清楚他是否會見軍方領導人丹瑞大將軍或者是否會按原計劃於星期二會晤緬甸反對派領導人昂山素姬。
- Gambari is in Burma as part of a push to encourage reconciliation between the military government and its pro-democracy opponents.
- 甘巴里訪緬是推動鼓勵軍政府與支持民主的反對派人士達成和解努力的一部份。
- Also Tuesday, the U.N.'s special envoy on human rights in Burma, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, said he has been invited for a visit next week by the country's military authorities.
- 另外,聯合國緬甸人權特使皮涅羅星期二說,他從緬甸軍政府收到下星期訪問緬甸的邀請。