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2025.02.19 02:44
十一月份 第 04 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-05)------
- China Slams US Paper over Pro-Japan Editorial
- 中國大肆抨擊華爾街日報發表親日社論
- China is lashing out at a major U.S. newspaper for publishing an editorial urging Washington to offer stronger support to Japan in its heated territorial dispute with Beijing.
- 中國抨擊美國一家主要報紙發表社論,敦促歐巴馬政府在日本與中國激烈的領土爭端中加強對日本的支援。
- A Friday editorial in The Wall Street Journal said China is likelier to "back down" if the Obama administration is more explicit that the islands at the heart of the dispute belong to Japan.
- 《華爾街日報》星期五發表社論說, 如果美國政府更明確地指出日中領土爭端的中心島嶼屬於日本,中國就更有可能 “後退”。
- The piece, which did not contain a byline, also said "Japan needs U.S. support against Chinese bullying" over the islands, known in Japan as Senkaku and in China as Diaoyu.
- 這篇未署名的社論還說,“日本需要美國的支援來對付中國在尖閣列島,中國稱之為釣魚島問題上的欺負行為。”
- In response, China's state-run Xinhua news agency on Tuesday ran its own editorial, suggesting the Journal was acting as a "mouthpiece" for the Japanese government on the islands issue.
- 中國國營的新華社星期二發表社論對此做出回應,指責《華爾街日報》充當日本政府在島嶼問題上的 “喉舌”。
- The Xinhua editorial accused the Journal of taking an "extreme" position, despite what it said was the paper's "reputed balanced news reporting."
- 社論指責《華爾街日報》號稱進行平衡的新聞報導,卻採取 “極端立場”。
- China's foreign ministry on Monday also took aim at the U.S. paper, urging it to take an "objective and impartial stance, and play a more constructive role in easing tensions."
- 中國外交部星期一也把矛頭指向《華爾街日報》,要求該報 “秉持客觀、公正立場,多為緩解局勢、解決爭議發揮建設性作用”。
- White House officials say they have refused to take a position on the islands' sovereignty, but acknowledge they do fall under a mutual U.S. defense treaty with Japan.
- 白宮官員說, 他們在中日有爭議的島嶼主權問題上不站在任何一邊,但是承認有關島嶼在美日安保條約的範圍之內。
- (2013-11-05)------
- Report: NKorea's ICBM Prototypes Getting 'Scary Good'
- 據報朝鮮導彈可能對美國西海岸構成威脅
- A top research group says prototype ballistic missiles seen at recent North Korean military parades may be more advanced than earlier believed, possibly enough to threaten the U.S. west coast.
- 一個主要研究機構說,近來朝鮮閱兵展示的彈道導彈可能比以往所判斷的更先進,或許足以對美國西海岸構成威脅。
- Many Western analysts dismissed the KN-08 missiles as primitive, non-operational mockups when they appeared in photos of Pyongyang military parades in April 2012 and again in July of this year.
- 很多西方分析人士曾經認為,根據平壤 2012 年 4 月和今年 7 月閱兵展示的 KN-08 導彈的照片判斷,那只是不能使用的粗糙模型。
- But the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said the missiles, even if fakes, appear to be getting more advanced, and have reached the point of being what it called "scary good."
- 但美國約翰‧霍普金斯大學的美韓研究所說,儘管只是模型,這種導彈看來更先進,已達到足以構成威脅的程度。
- The institute's report said the missile mockups appear to show North Korea can assemble components and technologies "good enough to produce missiles with theoretical ranges from 5,500 to over 11,000 kilometers."
- 美韓研究所的報告說,KN-08 導彈模型看上去顯示朝鮮組裝部件和運用技術的能力已經足以製造理論射程為 5 千 5 百公里至 1 萬 1 千公里的導彈。
- That would easily be far enough for North Korea to make good on its threats of being able to strike the U.S. mainland with a nuclear warhead.
- 這使朝鮮得以將其對美國本土進行核打擊的威脅付諸實施。
- The report cautioned the KN-08s are "almost certainly" non-operational and would need to be tested at least once.
- 美韓研究所的報告指出,“幾乎可以肯定” 朝鮮的 KN-08 導彈目前還不能使用,至少需要再試驗一次。
- It said, though, a test could occur any time, given the advanced state of the mockup hardware and recent satellite photos showing upgrades at North Korea's main missile launch site.
- 報告說,儘管如此,考慮到導彈模型展示的先進程度以及最近衛星照片顯示朝鮮主要導彈發射場有所改進,這種試驗隨時可能進行。