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2025.01.18 14:49
第五部 第十五課: beats me , to be in a bind
- 李華今天在緊張地準備歷史課的考試.她在和 Michael 的談話中會學到兩個常用語: beats me 和 to be in a bind.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, Li Hua. What are you doing?
- 我在準備歷史課的考試啊.哎,Michael, 你知道美國總統羅斯福和史大林第一次見面是什麼時候啊?
- Huh, Beats me. I don't know much about that period of history.
- 哎喲,你不知道我也不會打你呀,你為什麼要說 Beats me? Beat 不就是打人的意思嗎?
- No, I don't mean you would beat me. The expression "beats me" means that I have no idea what the answer is.
- 哦,在這裡, beat 不是打人的意思啊! Beats me 就是我不知道!
- Right. If I ask you a question like how many miles away the sun is, you might say, "I don't know - beats me."
- 這你倒是說對了,我還真不知道地球和太陽之間距離多少英哩呢. Beats me! 疑?你知道尼加拉瓜的第五任總統是誰嗎?
- Okay, that really beats me. You don't really need to know the answer to that question for your history test, do you?
- 嘿嘿,傻瓜,我當然不需要知道這個答案,我是在跟你開玩笑的啦.我學的歷史是二次大戰期間的美國和歐洲,和尼加拉瓜啊根本就沒關係。
- Okay. By the way, what time is your history exam?
- 哦~? beats me! 我把考試的日程忘在同學家裡了!
- You left the schedule at your classmate's home? What's wrong with you?
- Beats me! 我也不知道我怎麼會忘在他家裡的.不過啊,沒關係,我還有足夠時間來準備。
- You had better go and check the exam time. If the exam is tomorrow, you're really going to be in trouble.
- 行行行,我去查,要是啊明天就考試的話,那我可真是麻煩了。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, Li Hua, did you find someone to help you with that history question?
- 哼,沒有人知道羅斯福和史大林第一次見面是什麼時候.我也找不到這方面的材料.而且,考試是星期二,不是星期三.我這一下可真麻煩了。
- Wow, it sounds like you're really in a bind.
- 啊?你說什麼啊?我在什麼東西裡?什麼是 a bind?
- To be in a bind, means that you are in a very difficult situation. Your exam is tomorrow and you can't find the material you need to study. Therefore, you are in a bind.
- 哦~, to be in a bind 就是處境很難.唉哦,我真是處境艱難啊. Michael ,我這次考試啊可能要不及格了.你能不能幫我擺脫這個困境呢?也就是 to get out of this bind I'm in.
- Of course, I'm always willing to help a friend out of a bind. You can study your notes, and I can look up any questions you have in your text book. Will that help?
- 嗯!我複習我的筆記,然後你幫我查課文裡的問題.這是個好主意哎,這樣啊我可以省好多時間喔.Michael, 謝謝你,謝謝你.哎,還有什麼情況下我們可以用 to be in a bind?
- Well, if I have to pay my rent, but I don't have any money, then I'm in a bind.
- 喔喔,你付房租的時候到了,可是你又沒有錢,那可真是 in a bind .疑?我也來舉個例子,要是我在找工作,有個公司要和我面談,可是啊我早就和朋友約好那天要一塊兒吃飯,我可以說: I'm in a bind 嗎?
- Yes, you would be in a bind. But you're going to be in an even worse bind if we don't start studying for your exam soon.
- 哎,你說得對,要是我們再不動手開始準備考試的話,那我就會處境更困難了-- in an even worse bind .好吧,那趕快唸書吧! I don't want to be in a bind anymore!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了一個用得非常普遍的說法: beats me,意思是「不知道」.李華還學到了另一個常用語: to be in a bind,意思是「處境困難」。