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2024.12.04 11:36
第十六部 第一課: night owl , catch some zzzs
- Larry 昨晚因為趕工作而一夜沒睡。他正在跟李華討論睡眠問題。李華今天要學會兩個常用語 night owl 和 catch some zzzs。
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- Oh, Li Hua, I stayed up all night last night working on this project for work, and now I feel terrible. I guess I'm not a night owl after all.
- 什麼?你一夜沒睡?難怪你顯得很累。 不過你說你不是夜間的貓頭鷹,熬夜跟貓頭鷹有什麼關係呢?
- Owl is a bird, but a night owl is someone who likes to stay up all night.
- 我知道了。 貓頭鷹是夜間活動的動物,所以美國人把很晚才睡的人稱為night owl。我們中國人把這種人稱為夜貓子。
- Right, real owls are like that. But last night I discovered I am not a night owl.
- 你昨晚發現你不是夜貓子。你怎麼發現的呢?
- Well, I didn't go to bed until three in the morning, and now I am so tired I can hardly move.
- 你早上三點睡覺,現在已經累得不行了。是呀,真正的夜貓子好像不在乎開夜車似的。看來你真不是一個夜貓子。 我算是會熬夜的了,但是也很少到三點才睡覺。
- Really? When do you go to bed, Li Hua?
- 我喜歡在夜深人靜的時候寫作,所以經常半夜以後才睡覺。 Larry, 你可以說我是個「夜貓子,」a night owl.
- I'd say you are a night owl. Normally, I go to bed around ten o'clock, because I have to get up early in the morning for work.
- 你早起要上班,那當然不能當夜貓子了。 十點睡覺已經不算早了。
- Yeah, when I was a student, I used to be a night owl, too. I remember back in college being a night owl was a lot of fun. Especially in the city, where there is a lot going on at night.
- 當學生的時候熬夜是常事。不是唸書,就是出去玩,晚上有很多地方可玩的。
- I sometimes wish I could be a night owl again.
- 你還想當夜貓子?那等你下班後我們去城裡玩,怎麼樣?
- Oh, No, Li Hua. All I need right now is a cup of coffee to get me through the day and a good night sleep!
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- Well, Li Hua, I've got to get back to work, and then go home and catch some zzzzs.
- 你要回去工作,然後回家,還要抓什麼?Catch some zzzs是什麼意思呀?Catch是抓住, zzzs是什麼啊?
- Catching some zzzs means to get some sleep.
- 嗯,catching some zzzs就是睡覺!可為什麼說catching some zzzs呢?Z不是英語的最後一個字母嗎?
- You're right. "Z" is the last letter of the alphabet. But many people associate the sound of the letter "Z" ( makes sound zzzzzzzzz) with the sound of snoring.
- 噢, z跟打鼾的聲音有點像,所以把睡覺說成是: to catch some zzzs。
- And to catch some zzzs is to fall asleep, which is really what I need to do now.
- 我知道,你已經說了好幾遍了, 你現在最需要的就是回去睡一大覺。那你就趕快走呀!
- But I still have some things I need to do at work.
- 辦公室裡還有事要做。那你睜不開眼睛怎麼辦?
- There is no need to worry! My desk isn't very comfortable, and the office is pretty loud. I don't think I could catch some zzzs at work, even if I wanted to.
- 你怎麼那麼可憐呢! 辦公室裡坐著不舒服,又吵吵鬧鬧的,想睡覺都睡不著。那你乘車回家的時候在車上睡一回兒吧。
- No, I better not do that. If I catch some zzzs on the bus, I might miss my stop.
- 那就沒辦法了。我看你今天只有喝咖啡了。 Larry, 跟你說了半天睡覺的問題,把我都說困了。 Maybe I need to go home at catch some zzzs, too!
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- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 night owl, 意思就是習慣很晚睡覺的人,也就是夜貓子。還有一個是 to catch some zzzs,意思是睡覺。