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2025.02.19 04:06
第十六部 第七課: spaced , in a jiffy
- Larry 說好開車來接李華去藝術館,可是李華等了他好久也不見他來。李華今天會學到兩個常用語 spaced 和 in a jiffy。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- (Phone rings)
- Hello?
- Hi, Li Hua, This is Larry. I am so sorry I am late. I completely spaced that we were going to the museum today.
- You spaced going to the museum? 我們要去藝術館不是航空館,跟space沒有關係!
- By "spaced" I meant I completely forgot. Again, I'm really sorry.
- 你怎麼全忘了呢?我們不是一直說要去看畫展嗎?
- I know, Li Hua. I can't explain how I spaced it. I got busy doing little things at home like laundry and cleaning the kitchen.
- 什麼?你在忙著洗衣服和打掃廚房?平時不見你幹活,怎麼今天這麼勤快呢?不過別著急, Larry誰都有忘記的時候,包括我在內。
- I can't believe it, Li Hua. You are so well organized. I can't imagine you spacing anything.
- 我今年就忘了給我母親寄生日賀卡。 I completely spaced it!
- You spaced sending your own mother a birthday card?!
- 是啊,真不好意思。 那幾天我忙著改學生的作業,把寄卡的事忘得一乾二淨。Completely spaced it!
- Well, that makes me feel a little better about spacing today's trip to the museum.
- Larry, 你忘了沒關係,現在還來的及。我們還有時間去看展覽。
- Really? I thought I had the pamphlet for the museum with its closing time, but I seem to have spaced where I put it。
- 博物館的小冊子也不知道放在哪裡了?你今天怎麼了?得了,我上網去查吧! 讓我看看...有了,網站上說他們6點關門。
- OK, if I don't space anything else, we should have plenty of time to see the exhibit and maybe get some dinner afterwards.
- Larry, 千萬別忘了把門票帶上。Don't space bringing the tickets for the exhibit. 沒有票我們就慘了。
- Don't worry Li Hua, I won't space the tickets. I've got them right in my pocket. I'll be over soon. Bye! (hangs up)
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- See, I told you I'd be over in a jiffy!
- In a jiffy? 你是說很快就到了,是嗎?
- Exactly, Li Hua. In a jiffy means a very short amount of time.
- 對了,你平時要花一刻鐘才能到我這裡,今天怎麼十分鐘不到就到了呢? You did make it here in a jiffy.
- I tried very hard to get over here in a jiffy, because I felt so bad about spacing our trip to the museum today.
- 別再想忘了去參觀的事了。我們得馬上出發, 不然就沒有時間看畫展了。 We better get there in a jiffy.
- Oh, it won't take long to get there, Li Hua. The museum isn't far. I promise we will be there in a jiffy. Are you ready to go?
- 我去拿一下大衣和錢包, 馬上就準備好。
- While you are getting your coat and purse, I'll check the directions to the museum on the Internet. (computer clicking sounds)
- Okay, 我去拿大衣。你在網上查查去博物館的路線。
- The web page isn't coming up. Usually web pages come up in a jiffy.
- 是啊,平時網頁一點就開,今天真奇怪。 Larry,我們沒有時間了, 還是趕快上車吧。
- Li Hua, I didn't have lunch because I rushed to get over here. Do you mind if I fix myself a sandwich real quick? I can make one in a jiffy.
- Oh, Larry, 實在抱歉,我不知道你還沒有吃午飯。你趕快去作sandwich吧,我在這裡等你。不過要快噢。Please do it in a jiffy!
- I will, and I promise I will also eat it in a jiffy, too!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 spaced, 意思是忘了。還有一個是 in a jiffy, 意思是馬上、立刻。