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第十七部 第八課: bells and whistles , savvy

  • 李華剛買了一台筆記本電腦。她今天要學兩個常用語,bells and whistlessavvy
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • So, you got a new laptop computer, Li Hua? Wow! It has all the bells and whistles, doesn't it?
  • Bells and whistles?我怎麼沒看見這台電腦上有什麼鈴鐺和哨子啊。
  • Oh, What I meant was that your lap top has a lot of special features and extras that ordinary lap tops don't have.
  • 噢,我知道了,你剛才說的bells and whistles是指電腦上的DVD播放器和超寬屏幕等額外的功能。
  • Yeah, that is right. Manufacturers like to put lots of bells and whistles on lap tops to entice people to buy them.
  • 沒錯,我就是衝著這些bells and whistles才買這台電腦的。你看,上面還有無線調製解調器和一個超大儲存量的硬盤呢!
  • When I bought a lap top computer last year, Li Hua, I did NOT get one with all the bells and whistles, and now I kind of regret it.
  • 是啊,這些bells and whistles確實要多花點兒錢,可我覺得還是值得的。
  • I suppose I can always add some bells and whistles to my basic lap top. I would like to have a bigger hard drive.
  • 我聽說加個硬盤並不難,我覺得你真的可以在你的電腦上加點兒bells and whistles.
  • Although sometimes it is possible to have too many bells and whistles!
  • Bells and whistles還會嫌太多嗎?
  • Well, I was thinking of the cell phone I bought recently. It definitely came with all the bells and whistles. So many bells and whistles, in fact, I don't even know everything it does!
  • 你是說手機啊。我也有同感。現在的手機功能越來越多,很多我都用不著,也不知道該怎麼用。
  • But some people really like to have all the bells and whistles. Like my Dad. The last time he went shopping for a new car, it had to have all the bells and whistles.
  • 車上能有些什麼bells and whistles?
  • He wanted a car with leather seats that heated themselves and had a built in global positioning system.
  • 能加熱的皮座椅,全球定位系統,看來車上也能有不少的bells and whistles.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Larry, 你能幫我把這些軟件裝到電腦上嗎?
  • I am happy to help you load your software on your new lap top, Li Hua. You know I'm tech savvy.
  • Tech Savvy? 我知道tech是technology科技的意思,那savvy呢?
  • Savvy means to understand something very well.
  • 所以你說自己tech savvy, 就是說你對電腦和高科技的東西很在行嘍?
  • That's right. I've always been interested in computers, and as a result I am fairly tech savvy.
  • 那太好了。我可一點兒也不tech savvy. 我就知道怎麼用電腦寫論文,發電子郵件,除此之外就一竅不通了。Larry, 除了高科技以外,還有什麼東西可以說savvy嗎?
  • Oh, sure, Li Hua. We often say that some one who dresses well and has good fashion sense is fashion savvy.
  • 噢,fashion savvy就是很跟得上服裝的潮流。那我可以說fashion savvy吧。
  • Oh, you definitely have fashion savvy, Li Hua. You always dress very stylishly.
  • 這肯定是我祖母的遺傳。我看過她的照片,穿得可漂亮了。She definitely had fashion savvy.
  • A person can also have street savvy.
  • Street savvy? 你是說會認路嗎?或者是有方向感?
  • No, no. A person with street savvy knows how people act in the city and how to be safe in parts of the city that might be a little rough.
  • 噢,street savvy是說街頭的生存能力,特別是能在那些比較亂的街區不惹麻煩。看來,tech savvy和street savvy我都學不來,有fashion savvy就行了。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 bells and whistles, 意思是附加的功能或是點綴品。另一個是 savvy, 是指在什麼方面很在行
EPT 美語
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